Police in Massachusetts say a man was in possession of a U.S. Army rocket launcher, as well as crack cocaine. (Sutton Police Department/Facebook)
(Tribune News Service) — A man from Spencer, Mass., was arrested in Sutton on Monday after police found drugs and a U.S. Army rocket launcher in his car, according to the Sutton Police Department.
In the department’s Facebook post sharing of the incident, it wrote, “... we’re going to put this post under the title, ‘You found what!?!?’ and see what happens ... Mmmmhmmm, you read that correctly .... a ROCKET LAUNCHER!”
Police in Massachusetts say a man was in possession of a U.S. Army rocket launcher, as well as crack cocaine. (Sutton Police Department/Facebook)
Police in Massachusetts say a man was in possession of a U.S. Army rocket launcher, as well as crack cocaine. (Sutton Police Department/Facebook)