A crowd gathers Monday afternoon, July 17, 2023, in anticipation of a visit by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to Tega Cay, S.C.

A crowd gathers Monday afternoon, July 17, 2023, in anticipation of a visit by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to Tega Cay, S.C. (Tracy Kimball/TNS)

TEGA CAY, S.C. (Tribune News Service) — Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis spoke to hundreds of supporters Monday evening in Tega Cay, S.C., earning ovations and cheers from the packed room as he slammed Democratic President Joe Biden and progressive policies.

DeSantis said progressive policies have crippled the country's economy and social structure.

The current governor of Florida spoke for about an hour at the Philip T. Glennon Community Center. People lined up outside the venue as early as 3 p.m. in 80-plus-degree heat for the scheduled 5:30 p.m. start. Doors opened around 4:30 and hundreds of people filled the community center.

DeSantis touched on issues that resonate with conservative voters: the economy, border security, and progressive education in schools and colleges. All are issues considered central to the Republican presidential primary season and the 2024 general election.

DeSantis told the crowd he over-delivered on promises in Florida and brought positive change that returned government and power to the people. He cited elections in Florida that were run efficiently, a strong economy, and his push against progressive policies that he said are not good for families or the economy.

In a speech and answering questions, DeSantis said he can reverse the country's decline. However, It's up to voters to change the president, he said.

"I believe that this election is a referendum on Biden's failures..." DeSantis said. "We don't want to be the first generation that left this country less free and less prosperous... We will win and we will deliver!"

A race in a crowded field

DeSantis is one of several candidates seeking the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election. Others include former President Donald Trump, former Vice-President Mike Pence, former S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, and current South Carolina U.S. Sen. Tim Scott.

South Carolina's 2024 primary on Feb. 24 will be the first in the South. The outcome of South Carolina's primary is important in determining which candidate emerges as the party's presidential nominee.

DeSantis said winning South Carolina in the primary would be a crucial springboard to winning the nomination.

The crowd cheered.

Desantis has raised millions of dollars and done speeches in key early primary and caucus states where he consistently touts his conservative values and achievements as a congressman and governor of Florida.

In many polls he ranks behind only Trump among the Republican candidates.

The economy

DeSantis spoke passionately about changing Democratic policies that have caused economic harm for businesses and families. He said the country needs to have energy independence and more pipelines.

DeSantis said, when he takes office in January 2025 if he wins, the economy will change on his first day. Democratic economic policies have caused inflation, higher prices, and hurt for regular people, DeSantis said.

"Biden-nomics is out the door," DeSantis said. "We are going to take the power out of Washington and bring it back to the people."

The crowd cheered.

Democrats have stuck the bill for failed policies with the public that includes runaway federal spending in Washington, D.C., he said.

Values and ideology in schools, government

DeSantis said he is against what he called "woke" culture.

DeSantis referred to what he described as dangerous social and educational policies that are not traditional ideals about gender, success in school and business.

"We have made our state where woke goes to die," DeSantis said.

His words did not play well with at least one person attending the event. While DeSantis was speaking, a young person holding a rainbow flag interrupted and attempted to yell something at the governor.

Several security officers quickly escorted the person out to the sound of cheers from the crowd.

DeSantis went on with his speech.

He said he stood up to the Disney company in Florida over ideology and will not compromise.

He said he supports keeping books that could be described as pornographic out of elementary schools and libraries. He said he does not want a transgender curriculum in public schools.

DeSantis did not miss the opportunity to talk about a specific York County debate. Even as he spoke, County Council members and other county residents were engaged in a debate about the placement in the library of books that focused on sexual orientation and gender identity.

At least one member of the county council, and voters in his district, want the books moved from the children's area. The library board has refused to move the books. And a parents group has collected over 1,000 signatures supporting the library board. That discussion was ongoing Monday evening.

DeSantis said he hoped York County leaders side with people who have sought to take certain books from county public libraries.

"I hope they stand up on the side of decency," DeSantis said of the local debate.

The southern border

DeSantis said he will use all federal powers that he can, including the military, to secure the border with Mexico.

He said he will declare the southern border a national emergency on his first day as president. And the wall, which was promised to be built by former President Donald Trump but has not been completed, will be finished.

"I am sick of our country being invaded," DeSantis said. "We are going to fight back."

The crowd cheered.

Politics in law enforcement, prosecution

DeSantis hit on some themes, which are important to conservative voters, that have come up in recent months. The list included the perceived politicization of federal law enforcement and prosecution that targets political opponents. The audience cheered loudly when DeSantis said he would have a new FBI director if elected and would seek a hard look at the federal Department of Justice.

Foreign policy

Responding to a question after his speech, DeSantis said the China communist party is the biggest threat to America. China has built a huge economy.

"Under Biden, we are proceeding in a way that has invited weakness," DeSantis said. "The best way to deal with that is to take the threat seriously."

The event and politics

DeSantis also was asked what makes him different from Trump. He replied that he could serve two terms — if elected twice.

He said several of Trump's reforms from January 2017 to January 2021 were reversed by Biden. He said two terms are important to make things stick.

DeSantis said he would have fired Dr. Anthony Fauci over the COVID lockdowns and other failed COVID policies.

What's next?

DeSantis spoke for about an hour in Tega Cay. He said he is going to file paperwork Tuesday in Columbia to participate in the South Carolina primary.

Staff writer Tracy Kimball contributed to this article.

(c)2023 The Herald (Rock Hill, S.C.)

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