Defense Department civilian retirees will no longer be issued military identification cards, according to a recent Pentagon memorandum. Previously issued IDs can be used until Aug. 31, 2023, the memo said. (Defense Department)
Defense Department civilian retirees will no longer be issued military identification cards in connection with updated rules that allow other forms of ID to be used for entry to bases, according to a recent Pentagon memorandum.
In the past, DOD identification cards were issued to eligible retirees to afford them limited access to certain Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs and activities.
However, the implementation of the Real ID Act has eliminated the requirement for special civilian retiree ID cards, according to DOD’s office of personnel and readiness.
Retired DOD civilians can now use their retirement SF-50s to register driver’s licenses that meet Real ID Act standards with garrison visitor centers. That will get them through the gate if installation commanders have approved access, the Feb. 17 memo stated.
Previously issued retiree IDs can be used until Aug. 31, the memo said.
Permission for civilian retirees to use Morale, Welfare and Recreation services, such as golf courses and other leisure offerings, is given on a case-by-case basis by installation commanders.