Matthew C. Perry's Sebastian Campbell squares off with E.J. King's Jack Snyder at 115 pounds during Saturday's DODEA-Japan wrestling dual meet. Campbell won by pin and the Samurai won the dual meet 37-21.

Matthew C. Perry's Sebastian Campbell squares off with E.J. King's Jack Snyder at 115 pounds during Saturday's DODEA-Japan wrestling dual meet. Campbell won by pin and the Samurai won the dual meet 37-21. (Raven Rayos/Special to Stripes)

High school


South Korea

Saturday at Camp Walker

Humphreys 65, Daegu 0

101 — Jordan Bates, Humphreys, by walkover; 108 — Anthony Johnson, Humphreys, tech. Nicolas Faubion 10-0; 115 — Sol Ji, Humphreys, by walkover; 122 — Guage Flores, Humphreys, by walkover; 129 — Andrew Wahlgren, Humphreys, pin. Match Diehl 1:36; 135 — Keonwoo Park, Humphreys, by walkover; 141 — Sean Riley, Humphreys, by walkover; 148 — Joseph Fernald, Humphreys, by walkover; 158 — Alex Diotalevi, Humphreys, by walkover; 168 — Luke Robinson, Humphreys, by walkover; 180 — Levi Ramos, Humphreys, by walkover; 215 — Dominic Meno, Humphreys, by walkover; Heavyweight — Christopher Nowak, Humphreys, by walkover.

Humphreys 58, Seoul Foreign 5

101 — Bates by walkover; 108 — Johnson by walkover; 115 — Ji by walkover; 122 — Flores by walkover; 129 — Wahlgren pin. Sangyun Shin 2:08; 135 — Park tech. Hee Jun Kim 11-0; 141 — Riley pin. Aidan Song 5:22; 148 — Fernald def. Caleb Munce by walkover; 158 — Diotalevi tech. Kyen Lamb 11-0; 168 — Robinson pin. Nadir Elyaddase 1:24; 180 — Ramos pin. Eojin Ryu 1:53; 215 — Meno pin. Woochan Kim 1:54; Heavyweight — Evan Storey, SFS, pin. Nowak 2:35.

Humphreys 37, Osan 25

101 — Bates by walkover; 108 — Orrin Perkins, Osan, pin. Johnson :53; 115 — Ji by walkover; 122 — Flores by walkover; 129 — Wahlgren pin. Dylan Watson :21; 135 — Park tech. Lydia Tang 14-4; 141 — Kyle Foerst, Osan, tech. Riley 11-0; 148 — Fernald def. Payden Farrer by walkover; 158 — Nathan Morales-Pizarro, Osan, pin. Diotalevi :26; 168 — Martin Heffele, Osan, pin. Robinson 2:02; 180 — Ramos pin. Isaac Ciochetto 2:02; 215 — Samuel Myrup, Osan, pin. Meno 1:33; Heavyweight — Nowak def. Michael Carrol 9-4.

Osan 29, Seoul Foreign 10

101 — Not contested; 108 — Perkins by walkover; 115 — Not contested; 122 — Robert Jennings, Osan, by walkover; 129 — Not contested; 135 — Tang pin. H. Kim; 141 — Not contested; 148 — Not contested; 158 — Morales-Pizarro tech. Lamb 13-3; 168 — Edward Kim, Osan, pin. Elyaddase; 180 — Ryu tech. Ciochetto 14-4; 215 — Myrup pin. W. Kim; Heavyweight — Storey pin. Carrol.

Osan 49, Daegu 1

Individual bouts not available

Seoul Foreign 33, Daegu 6

101 — Not contested; 108 — Not contested; 115 — Not contested; 122 — Not contested; 129 — Shin dec. Faubion 6-4; 135 — Aiden Herbert, Daegu, tech. H. Kim 14-4; 141 — Song tech. Diehl 15-3; 148 — Not contested; 158 — Lamb by walkover; 168 — Elyaddasse by walkover; 180 — Ryu by walkover; 215 — W. Kim by walkover; Heavyweight — Storey by walkover.


Saturday at Camp Zama

Christian Academy Japan 28, Zama 25

101 — Not contested; 108 — Not contested; 115 — Victor Llanoray, Zama, pin. Momoka Funakoshi; 122 — Kono Ohashi, CAJ, by walkover; 129 — Timone Fambro, CAJ, pin. Gabriel Escalera; 135 — Anya Price, Zama, by walkover; 141 — Kade Loomis, CAJ, by walkover; 148 — Kieran Montgomery, Zama, pin. Daniel Smith; 158 — Tyler Reidenbach, CAJ, tech. Erin Evans 14-4; 168 — Leeroy Chiu, Zama, by walkover; 180 — Neo Fannin, CAJ, pin. Edgar Andalon; 215 — Jamie Marshall, CAJ, tech. Kaden Maramoto 10-0; Heavyweight — Jeffrey Woolard, Zama, by walkover.

Zama 30, Robert D. Edgren 25

101 — Not contested; 108 — Not contested; 115 — Llanoray by walkover; 122 — Haruki Jones, Edgren, by walkover; 129 — Escalera pin. Owen Moreno; 135 — Gabriel Marceron, Edgren, pin. Price; 141 — Nikolas Hawkins, Edgren, by walkover; 148 — Sebastian Sanchez, Edgren, pin. Montgomery; 158 — Sidney Cogswell, Edgren, pin. Evans; 168 — Chiu by walkover; 180 — Andalon by walkover; 215 — Maramoto by walkover; Heavyweight — Woolard by walkover.

CAJ 23, Edgren 20

101 — Not contested; 108 — Not contested; 115 — Funakoshi by walkover; 122 — Ohashi tech. Jones 13-1; 129 Fambro tech. Moreno 10-0; 135 — Marceron by walkover; 141 — Hawkins pin. Loomis; 148 — Sanchez pin. Zeke Wilson; 158 — Cogswell pin. Reidenbach; 168 — Not contested; 180 — Fannin by walkover; 215 — Marshall by walkover; Heavyweight — Not contested.

St. Mary’s 31, Nile C. Kinnick 24

101 — Not contested; 108 — Jong In Lee, St. Mary’s, pin. Joah De La Cruz; 115 — Isaac Shane, St. Mary’s, tech. Luke Menard 10-0; 122 — Maverick Kentz, Kinnick, tech. Luke Shane 11-1; 129 — Masaya Toyokawa, St. Mary’s, tech. Samuel Tovar 10-0; 135 — Nathaniel Twohig, St. Mary’s, tech. Zavier Smith 10-0; 141 — Kai Sandoval, St. Mary’s, pin. Ethan McDanel; 148 — Taiyo Mutsuoka, St. Mary’s, tech. Aiden Florespena 10-0; 158 — Wendell Harrison, Kinnick, pin. Shahir Mostafa; 168 — Josh Hernandez, Kinnick, pin. Roman Leyko; 180 — Matthew Araya, St. Mary’s, pin. Vincent Lin; 215 — Braden Askins, Kinnick, pin. Jotaro Yamaoka; Heavyweight — Bobby Crisafulli, Kinnick, by walkover.

American School In Japan 34, Kinnick 29

101 — Elizabeth Rexrode, ASIJ, by walkover; 108 — De La Cruz by walkover; 115 — Lucy Mock, Kinnick, pin. Mirabel Lee; 122 — Kaisei Smith, ASIJ, tech. Kentz 19-7; 129 — Gabriel Shikuma, ASIJ, pin. Chris Morrison; 135 — William Mitchell, Kinnick, pin. Leon Miller; 141 — Bryce Clement, ASIJ, pin. Hunter Ishimine; 148 — Basil Rieger, ASIJ, pin. Tia Johnson; 158 — Harrison tech. James Curtis 15-1; 168 — Isreal Rodriguez, ASIJ, pin. Hernandez; 180 — Harald Hogberg, ASIJ, pin. Justin Bodlovic; 215 — Askins by walkover; Heavyweight — Crisafulli by walkover.

St. Mary’s 40, ASIJ 20

101 — Rexrode by walkover; 108 — Hugo Miyamoto, St. Mary’s, by walkover; 115 — J.I. Lee pin. M. Lee; 122 — I. Shane pin. Smith; 129 — Toyokawa pin. Shikuma; 135 — Twohig pin. Miller; 141 — Clement pin. Sandoval; 148 — Mutsuoka pin. Rieger; 158 — Curtis pin. Mostafa; 168 — Rodriguez pin. Leyko; 180 — Araya pin. Hogberg; 215 — Jotaro Yamaoka, St. Mary’s, by walkover; Heavyweight — Not contested.

ASIJ 42, Zama 15

101 — Rexrode by walkover; 108 — Not contested; 115 — Llanoray pin. M. Lee; 122 — Smith by walkover; 129 — Shikuma tech. Escalera 11-0; 135 — Miller pin. Price; 141 — Kate Clement, ASIJ, by walkover; 148 — Rieger tech. Montgomery 10-0; 158 — Curtiz pin. Evans; 168 — Rodriguez tech. Chiu 15-4; 180 — Hogberg pin. Andalon; 215 — Maramoto by walkover; Heavyweight — Woolard by walkover.

Kinnick 43, Edgren 15

101 — Not contested; 108 — De La Cruz by walkover; 115 — Mock by walkover; 122 — Kentz tech. H. Jones; 129 — Tovar tech. Moreno 10-0; 135 — Mitchell pin. Marceron; 141 — Hawkins pin. Ishimine; 148 — Sanchez tech. Florespena 12-0; 158 — Cogswell pin. Aiden Quinn; 168 — Hernandez by walkover; 180 — Bodlovic by walkover; 215 — Askins by walkover; Heavyweight — Crisafulli by walkover.


St. Mary’s 49, CAJ 5

101 — Not contested; 108 — J.I. Lee by walkover; 115 — I. Shane pin. Funakoshi; 122 — L. Shane by walkover; 129 — Toyokawa tech. Fambro 12-0; 135 — Twohig by walkover; 141 — Sandoval pin. Loomis; 148 — Mutsuoka pin. Wilson; 158 — Mostafa pin. Reidenbach; 168 — Leyko by walkover; 180 — Araya pin. Fannin; 215 — Marshall pin. Yamaoka; Heavyweight — Not contested.

Matthew C. Perry's Gregory Campbell pins Yokota's Zaylee Gulbler at 122 pounds during Saturday's DODEA-Japan wrestling dual meet. The Samurai won the meet 39-21.

Matthew C. Perry's Gregory Campbell pins Yokota's Zaylee Gulbler at 122 pounds during Saturday's DODEA-Japan wrestling dual meet. The Samurai won the meet 39-21. (Raven Rayos/Special to Stripes)

Matthew C. Perry's Kail Kitko and Yokota's Brandon Christenson battle for position at 135 pounds during Saturday's DODEA-Japan dual meet. Kitko won by decision 8-4 and Perry won the meet 39-21.

Matthew C. Perry's Kail Kitko and Yokota's Brandon Christenson battle for position at 135 pounds during Saturday's DODEA-Japan dual meet. Kitko won by decision 8-4 and Perry won the meet 39-21. (Raven Rayos/Special to Stripes)

Saturday at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni

Matthew C. Perry 37, E.J. King 21

101 — Nina Altig, Perry, by walkover; 108 — Xavier Mitchell, Perry, by walkover; 115 — Sebastian Campbell, Perry, pin. Jack Snyder; 122 — Gregory Campbell, Perry, pin. Audrey Snyder; 129 — Jude Cutler, King, pin. Gregory Murodov; 135 — Kail Kitko, Perry, dec. Cetric Chaney 9-6; 141 — Tavita Johnson, Perry, pin. Ryan Finwick; 148 — Joseph McGrath, King, pin. Maleina Ballesteros; 158 — Kirby Kendrick, Perry, tech. Jackson Pavkov; 168 — Tom Irby, King, by walkover; 180 — Ashton Wall, King, pin. Xander Grantham; 215 — Maddix Larue, Perry, by walkover; Heavyweight — Not contested.

Perry 39, Yokota 21

101 — Altig by walkover; 108 — Mitchell by walkover; 115 — S. Campbell by walkover; 122 — G. Campbell pin. Zaylee Gubler; 129 — Kai Patton, Yokota, tech. Murodov; 135 — Kitko dec. Brandon Christenson 8-4; 141 — Kaito-Zachari Nelson, Yokota, pin. Johnson; 148 — Colin Kirby, Yokota, pin. Ballesteros; 158 — Kendrick pin. Tate Rannow; 168 — Kaiyo Heinrichs, Yokota, by walkover; 180 — Grantham by walkover; 215 — Larue by walkover; Heavyweight — Not contested.

Yokota 28, King 18

101 — Not contested; 108 — Not contested; 115 — J. Snyder by walkover; 122 — Gubler tech. A. Snyder; 129 — Patton tech. Cutler; 135 — Christenson pin. Chaney; 141 — Nelson pin. Finwick; 148 — McGrath pin. Kirby; 158 — Rannow pin. Pavkov; 168 — Heinrichs pin. Irby; 180 — Wall by walkover; 215 — Not contested; Heavyweight — Not contested.

Humphreys' Hope Dorrough finished third in the girls 100 freestyle in 1 minute, 32.77 seconds, and second in the 50 breaststroke in 56.77 seconds during Saturday's Korea swim meet at Yongsan International School of Seoul.

Humphreys' Hope Dorrough finished third in the girls 100 freestyle in 1 minute, 32.77 seconds, and second in the 50 breaststroke in 56.77 seconds during Saturday's Korea swim meet at Yongsan International School of Seoul. (Lucas Utley/Special to Stripes)


South Korea

Saturday at Yongsan International


Chadwick 1,888; Seoul Foreign 1,387½; Humphreys 752; YIS-Seoul 746; Korea International 567; Dulwich College Seoul 191; SALT 105; Dwight School Seoul 37½

200 medley relay — Dulwich, 2 minutes, 1.2 seconds; 200 freestyle — Alex Moreno, Humphreys, 2:13.03; 100 butterfly — Daniel Lee, SFS, 1:03.94; 50 breaststroke — Youngsoo Ahn-Song, Dulwich, 30.56; 100 backstroke — Lee, 1:11.07; 50 freestyle — Moreno, 25.66; 100 individual medley — Ian Park, Chadwick, 1:07.33; 50 butterfly — Jeffery Yoo, YIS-Seoul, 29.21; 100 breaststroke — Ahn-Song, 1:05.95; 50 backstroke — Moreno, 30.52; 100 freestyle — Lee, 57.67; 200 individual medley — Ahn-Song, 2:20.88.


Chadwick 1,678½; Seoul Foreign 1,638½; Korea International 866; YIS-Seoul 651; Dulwich College Seoul 565; Humphreys 487½; SALT 269½; Dwight School Seoul 9

200 medley relay — Chadwick, 2 minutes 12.71 seconds; 100 butterfly — Rayna Herbst, Humphreys, 1:36.82; 50 breaststroke — Kayleen Kang, Humphreys, 52.51; 100 backstroke — Herbst, 1:57.49; 50 freestyle — Jisoo Kim, Chadwick, 30.31; 100 individual medley — Jenny Ra, Chadwick, 1:07.86; 50 butterfly — Joyce Kim, YIS-Seoul, 31.54; 100 breaststroke — Sophie Cho, YIS-Seoul, 1:23.52; 100 freestyle — Joyce Kim, 1:01.19.


200 butterfly — Isabella Morgan, Humphreys, 3:09.07; 200 breaststroke — Ella Kalinowski, Humphreys, 3:06.75; 200 backstroke — Dawson Lee, Dulwich, 2:41.48.

Humphreys' Isabella Morgan swims en route to winning the mixed 200-meter butterfly in 3 minutes, 9.7 seconds during Saturday's Korea swim meet at Yongsan International School of Seoul.

Humphreys' Isabella Morgan swims en route to winning the mixed 200-meter butterfly in 3 minutes, 9.7 seconds during Saturday's Korea swim meet at Yongsan International School of Seoul. (Lucas Utley/Special to Stripes)

Cross country


Independent Interscholastic Athletic Association of Guam all-island finals

Friday at Two Lovers Point

(3.12-mile course)


Guam High 30, Father Duenas 63, St. John’s 73, Harvest Christian 83

1, Joseph Schwartz, GHS, 18 minutes, 21 seconds; 2, Alexander Clark, St. John’s, 18:36; 3, Sean Muller, GHS, 18:54; 4, Trayton Crandell, GHs, 19:16; 5, Nathaniel Carlson, GHs, 19:23; 6, Erwin Manibusan, FDMS, 19:43; 7, Clay Martin, GHS, 19:55; 8, Elijah Dixon, HCA, 19:56; 9, Braden Flinn, GHs, 20:10; 10, Luca Flores, St. John’s, 20:18.


Guam 31, St. John’s 40, Academy of Our Lady 75, Harvest Christian 91, Guahan Academy 154

1, Jordan Baden, St. John’s, 21 minutes, 43 seconds; 2, Keira Paz, GHS, 22:09; 3, Taylor Ann Santos, AOLG, 23:24; 4, Maeva Conroy, St. John’s, 23:54; 5, Molly Lang, GHS, 24:07; 6, Elizabeth Higley, St. John’s, 24:13; 7, Almira Carlson, GHS, 24:19; 8, Jordynn Crandell, GHS, 24:52; 9, Araceli Arriaga, GHS, 25:15; 10, Rebekah Stringham, GHS, 25:32.

Noteworthy — The Panthers won both the boys and girls team titles for the fourth straight year.



Taipei American 57, ASIJ 31

Saturday at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

Mustangs 9 14 4 4 _31
Tigers 24 15 13 5 _57

Taipei American 55, Kadena 53

Saturday at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

Tigers 10 14 10 21 _55
Panthers 10 15 17 11 _53

Top scorers — Panthers: Jayden Allen 16, Angel Torrado 15, Derick Santiago 13. Rebounds — Panthers: Allen 16, Santiago 14, Torrado 7. Steals — Panthers: Santiago 5. Blocked shots — Panthers: Santiago 6. Noteworthy — Tigers scored game-winning basket with three seconds left, capping a rally from a 49-42 second-half deficit. The Tigers won all three games they played Friday and Saturday on Okinawa.

Kubasaki 62, ASIJ 59

Saturday at Camp Foster, Okinawa

Mustangs 20 14 13 12 _59
Dragons 17 10 13 22 _62

Top scorers — T.J. Reese 25, Troy Harris 17; Mustangs: Shaan Shah 26. Rebounds — Dragons: Reese 16, Zierre Paul 11, Harris 7. Assists — Dragons: Harris 5.

South Korea

Humphreys 67, Chadwick 61

Saturday at Incheon

Blackhawks 21 19 18 9 _67
Dolphins 15 15 20 11 _61

Top scorers — Blackhawks: Mekhi Bowles 25, Brandon Howell 17, Nick Cooreman 13, Validus Lauzon 10; Dolphins: Chris Kong 30. Rebounds — Blackhawks: Lauzon 11, Bowles 10, Cooreman 6. Assists — Blackhawks: Howell 6. Noteworthy — Bowles hit five three-point goals and Howell three for the Blackhawks, who netted nine as a team.

Gyeonggi Suwon 71, Daegu 36

Saturday at Suweon

Warriors 5 7 14 10 _36
Purple Knights 23 18 22 8 _71

Top scorer — Warriors: Andrew Burks 20. Rebounds — Warriors: Burks 7.


Yokota 64, Edgren 27

Saturday at Misawa Air Base

Panthers 18 24 11 11 _64
Eagles 5 7 9 6 _27

Top scorers — Panthers: Dylan Tomas 10, Damian Abrams 10; Eagles: Paul Perez 9. Noteworthy — Panthers swept the two-game weekend series at Misawa.

Western Japan Athletic Association Invitational

Saturday at Kobe

Perry 39, King 32

Samurai 11 9 9 10 _39
Cobras 13 11 4 4 _32

Top scorers — Cobras: Cameron Reinhart 16, B.J. Hill 15, Sam Kasperski 11; Samurai: Billy Hill 14, Jahiion Francois 10. Rebounds — Cobras: Kasperski 13, Hill 6.

King 63, Canadian Academy 48

Falcons 19 16 7 6 _48
Cobras 15 12 20 16 _63

Top scorers — Cobras: Reinhart 37, Jeremy Phillips 12.

King 53, Senri-Osaka 42

Sabres 25 0 4 13 _42
Cobras 13 11 16 13 _53

Top scorers — Cobras: Reinhart 23, Phillips 20.

Perry 50, Senri-Osaka 40

Top scorers — Samurai: Francois 16, Joben Silang 11.

Perry 45, Canadian Academy 35

Top scorers — Samurai: Silang 12, Francois 10.


Taipei American 50, ASIJ 21

Saturday at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

Mustangs 8 2 3 8 _21
Tigers 11 12 14 13 _50

Kadena 42, Taipei American 37

Saturday at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa

Tigers 14 9 4 10 _37
Panthers 7 15 5 15 _42

Top scorers — Panthers: NyKale Penn 14, Ayanna Levi 14. Noteworthy — Panthers used a 17-5 rally to turn a 27-22 deficit into a 39-32 lead in the second half.

Kubasaki 36, ASIJ 25

Saturday at Camp Foster, Okinawa

Mustangs 2 7 11 5 _25
Dragons 9 15 3 9 _36

Top scorer — Dragons: Sophia Grubbs 10.

South Korea

Humphreys 42, Chadwick 14

Saturday at Incheon

Blackhawks 10 7 12 13 _42
Dolphins 2 5 3 4 _14

Top scorer — Blackhawks: Anayah Reyes 12. Rebounds — Blackhawks: Sabra Wrightsil 22, Vaitupua Maina 13, Bella Pula 12.

Daegu 35, Gyeonggi Suwon 28

Saturday at Suweon

Warriors 9 10 8 8 _35
Purple Knights 10 2 8 8 _28

Top scorer — Warriors: Zoe Stegall 9.


Edgren 45, Yokota 12

Saturday at Misawa Air Base

Panthers 4 4 4 0 _12
Eagles 19 11 10 5 _45

Top scorers — Eagles: Zalea Washington 12, Maliyah Magat 12; Panthers: Beverly Gardner 5. Rebounds — Eagles: I’lei Washington 9.

Seisen 43, CAJ 42

Saturday at Tokyo

Phoenix 5 10 20 8 _43
Knights 10 5 17 10 _42

Top scorers — Phoenix: Lisa Purcell 26; Knights: Erica Yokota 14, Marikah Bedow 11. Rebounds — Phoenix: Purcell 15, Aina Sekido 5; Knights: Bedow 8. Assists — Phoenix: Mika Kato 5. Steals — Phoenix: Maya Hemmi 7, Purcell 5.

Western Japan Athletic Association Invitational

Saturday at Osaka

King 63, Perry 40

Samurai 6 10 11 13 _40
Cobras 12 18 22 11 _63

Top scorers — Cobras: Maliwan Schinker 20, Aileen FitzGerald 16, Miu Best 12; Samurai: Ivanelis Burmudez-Nieves 12.

King 62, Canadian Academy 31

Top scorers — Cobras: Schinker 24, Miu Best 21, Moa Best 13.

King 39, Senri-Osaka 22

Top scorers — Cobras: FitzGerald 13, Schinker 13, Miu Best 12.

Canadian Academy 35, Perry 27

Samurai 9 0 12 6 _27
Falcons 4 13 8 10 _35

Top scorer — Samurai: Nyla Matos 12.

Senri-Osaka 40, Perry 17

Samurai 1 2 6 8 _17
Sabres 11 9 8 12 _40

Top scorer — Samurai: Burmudez-Nieves 13.

author picture
Dave Ornauer has been employed by or assigned to Stars and Stripes Pacific almost continuously since March 5, 1981. He covers interservice and high school sports at DODEA-Pacific schools and manages the Pacific Storm Tracker.

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