Christian Rios takes control of his match.

Zama's Christian Rios gets the upper hand on Perry's Joshua Rodriguez at 114 pounds. (Erick Chedd Ricardo/Special to Stripes)

High school


South Korea

Saturday at Osan Air Base

Humphreys 45, Daegu 10

107 — Nick Faubion, Daegu, pin. Jordan Bates 1:29; 114 — Andrew Johnson, Humphreys, tech. Logan Faubion; 121 — Ethan Wege, Humphreys, tech. Canaan McGee; 127 — Cesar Trujillo, Daegu, pin. Ryan Mbugua 2:40; 133 — Ethan Manibusan, Humphreys, pin. Yuzuki Sibley 2:37; 139 — Aidan Collins, Humphreys, tech. Gyeongdeok Choi; 145 — Matthew Nubin, Humphreys, tech. Jaiden Williams; 152 — Blake Stevens, Humphreys, pin. Michael Hansen 2:24; 160 — Joseph Fernald, Humphreys, by walkover; 172 — Simon Drinnon, Humphreys, by walkover; 189 — Jack Brandt, Humphreys, by walkover; 215 — Brandon Uresk, Humphreys, tech. Alex Cruz; Heavyweight — Not contested.

Osan 44, Seoul Foreign 20

107 — Anthony Canizales, Osan, by walkover; 114 — Chance Schnadenberg, Osan, by walkover; 121 — Noe Vasquez, Osan, by walkover; 127 — Alex Smith, Osan, by walkover; 133 — Harlan Canter, Osan, by walkover; 139 — Lily Sanchez, Osan, by walkover; 145 — William Jansen, SFS, pin. Ayden Canizales 2:11; 152 — Logan Seen, Osan, tech. Aidan Song; 160 — Taejoon Lee, SFS, by walkover; 172 — Derek Ybay, Osan, pin. Justin Heo 2:38; 189 — Liam Taylor, Osan, by walkover; 215 — Evan Storey, SFS, pin. Martin Heffele 2:48; Heavyweight — Kyuyeon Chung, SFS, pin. Anthony Ford 2:16.

Humphreys 53, Seoul Foreign 10

107 — Bates by walkover; 114 — Johnson by walkover; 121 — Wege by walkover; 127 — Mbugua by walkover; 133 — Samuel Conover, Humphreys, by walkover; 139 — Collins by walkover; 145 — Nubin tech. Jansen; 152 — Stevens pin. Song 1:34; 160 — Fernald tech. T. Lee; 172 — Drinnon by walkover; 189 — Brandt by walkover; 215 — Storey pin. Uresk 2:59; Heavyweight — Chung by walkover.

Daegu 29, Osan 29

(Daegu wins by more pins)

107 — N. Faubion pin. An. Canizales 2:16; 114 — L. Faubion pin. Schnadenberg 2:20; 121 — McGee tech. Vasquez; 127 — Trujillo pin. Smith 1:22; 133 — Canter tech. tech. Sibley; 139 — Choi pin. Sancheez 2:38; 145 — Williams pin. Ay. Canizales 2:04; 152 — Seen pin. Hansen 2:18; 160 — Not contested; 172 — Ybay by walkover; 189 — Taylor by walkover; 215 — Heffele pin. Cruz 2:02; Heavyweight — Ford by walkover.

Daegu 35, Seoul Foreign 24

107 — N. Faubion by walkover; 114 — L. Faubion by walkover; 121 — McGee by walkover; 127 — Trujillo by walkover; 133 — Sibley by walkover; 139 — Choi by walkover; 145 — Williams pin. Jansen 2:41; 152 — Song pin. Hansen 1:48; 160 — T. Lee by walkover; 172 — Heo by walkover; 189 — Not contested; 215 — Storey tech. Cruz; Heavyweight — Chung by walkover.

Humphreys 33, Osan 29

107 — An. Canizales pin. Bates :26; 114 — Johnson pin. Schnadenberg 2:35; 121 — Wege tech. Vasquez; 127 — Mbugua pin. Smith 2:39; 133 — Canter pin. Conover 2:22; 139 — Collins tech. Sanchez; 145 — Nubin tech. Ay. Canizales; 152 — Seen pin. Stevens 1:47; 160 — Fernald by walkover; 172 — Drinnon pin. Ybay 1:27; 189 — Taylor pin. Brandt 2:45; 215 — Heffele dec. Uresk; Heavyweight — Ford by walkover.

Holly Albright and Adriana Casarez wrestle.

Kinnick teammates Holly Albright and Adriana Casarez go at it in the early rounds at 138 pounds. (Erick Chedd Ricardo/Special to Stripes)


Kanto Plain/Mainland Japan finals

Saturday at Yokosuka Naval Base

Mainland boys

Nile C. Kinnick 62, Matthew C. Perry 56, Zama 50

107 — Elias Diaz, Zama, pin. Kelly Botario, Kinnick, :30; Aaden Mulhall, Edgren, pin. Donatello Sanchez Cupa, King :35; Third place: Botario tech. Sanchez Cupa 10-0; Championship: Diaz by walkover.

114 — Joshua Rodriguez, Perry, pin. Bennett Callon, Kinnick 1:21; Christian Rios, Zama, tech. Hiroaki Barker, K International 10-0; Third place: Callon tech. Barker 11-0; Championship: Rios dec. Rodriguez 11-10.

121 — Samuel Fox, Yokota, tech. Kenyuh Sugimura, St. Mary’s 14-3; Fox pin. Ricky Miller, American School In Japan 2:27; Carlo Cognetti, St. Mary’s, tech. Kaleb Iribe, Kinnick 10-0; Iribe pin. Sugimura 2:39; Third place: Iribe pin. Miller 3:11; Championship: Fox tech. Cognetti 10-0.

127 — Thomas Diaz, Zama, pin. James Manolof 2:00; Diaz tech. Rin Ishikawa, St. Mary’s 10-0; George Adams, St. Mary’s, pin. Geraldo Cordero, Perry 1:03; Alonso Gonzales Ong, K-International, tech. Michael McConnel, King 16-6; Ennis Montgomery, Zama, dec. Raizo Yasuoka, St. Mary’s 6-0; Adams dec. Diaz 12-8; Montgomery pin. Gonzales Ong :47; Yasuoka pin. Manolof 1:33; Diaz pin. Yasuoka 3:25; Cordero pin. Ishikawa :25; Cordero pin. Gonzales Ong :14; Third place: Cordero pin. Diaz 1:27; Championship: Montgomery pin. Adams 3:06.

133 — Howard Chan, K International, dec. Krish Puneet, St. Mary’s 16-9; Noah Valle, Perry, pin. Chan :24; Luke Menard, Kinnick, pin. Sherwin Sundaravel, K International 1:33; Sundaravel pin. Puneet :36; Third place: Sundaravel pin. Chan 1:43; Championship: Menard pin. Valle 2:39.

139 — Dylan Jones, King, pin. Abhinav Nair, K International 1:03; Ty Rivera de Leon, St. Mary’s, tech. Jones 13-2; Beau Tran, Kinnick, pin. Liam McDonald, Edgren 3:48; Gabriel Simpkins, Zama, pin. Allesandro Chavez, Kinnick :32; Dylan Kim, Kinnick, tech. Aaron Lopez, Perry 12-0; Tran tech. Rivera de Leon 13-3; Kim dec. Simpkins 9-2; Lopez pin. Nair :19; Lopez tech. Chavez 10-0; McDonald dec. Jones 13-10; Simpkins def. McDonald by walkover; Lopez pin. Rivera de Leon :44; Third place: Simpkins dec. Lopez 8-2; Championship: Kim tech. Tran 13-3.

145 — Noritaka Okada, K International, tech. Tristan Strauss, Kinnick 10-0; Sammy Labato, Kinnick, dec. Mercer Lujan, Perry 8-2; Shaquan Weatherspoon, Kinnick, dec. Jonathan Daniels, King 15-15 last point; Okada pin. Damon Hodges, Kinnick :37; Labato tech. Weatherspoon 10-0; Lujan pin. Daniels 1:32; Weatherspoon dec. Strauss 8-0; Lujan tech. Hodges 12-1; Third place: Weatherspoon dec. Lujan 8-4; Championship: Okada tech. Labato 13-3.

152 — Jayden Valverde, Perry, tech. Dylan Mendoza, Kinnick 15-4; Diego Mejia-Roman, Zama, dec. Netanel Jebaraj, K International 13-12; Jamie Weeks, CAJ, tech. Yuchan Kim, St. Mary’s 10-0; Garrett Allen, Zama, pin. Jordan Mack, Kinnick, 1:00; Valverde tech. Mejia-Roman 10-0; Weeks pin. Allen 1:36; Nebaraj pin. Mendoza 3:08; Mack pin. Kim 1:13; Nebaraj pin. Allen :59; Mejia-Roman pin. Mack 1:25; Third place: Mejia-Roman pin. Nebaraj :57; Championship: Weeks pin. Valverde :56.

160 — Kanishk Agrawal, K International, pin. Tucker Colley, King 3:35; Hiro Mano, ASIJ, pin. Justin Allen, CAJ 1:28; Enoc Fajardo-Vargas, Kinnick, dec. Agrawal, score not available; Sean Simpkins, Zama, tech. Evyn Nguyen, Kinnick 10-0; Terrance Dove, Edgren, pin. Zen Twohig, St. Mary’s 1:53; Julio Ono, Kinnick, tech. Mano 10-0; Simpkins dec. Fajardo-Vargas 9-6; Dove def. Ono by injury default; Colley pin. Mano 1:32; Agrawal pin. Allen :38; Twohig tech. Colley 14-4; Agrawal pin. Nguyen :54; Twohig pin. Fajardo-Vargas 1:40; Agrawal def. Ono by injury default; Third place: Twohig pin. Agrawal :52; Championship: Simpkins def. Dove by walkover.

172 — Edward Ludwig, Perry, dec. Nehemiah Dove, Edgren 6-4; Yu Uchidate, King, tech. Ryuichi Hishida, ASIJ 12-1; Kentaro Yamauchi, St. Mary’s, tech. Matthew Roberson, Zama 10-0; Ludwig tech. Marvin White, Kinnick 10-0; Yamauchi dec. Uchidate 22-20; Hishida dec. Roberson 4-2; Hishida pin. White 2:09; Third place: Uchidate pin. Hishida 1:07; Championship: Yamauchi dec. Ludwig 12-8.

189 — Kei Fujita, St. Mary’s, tech. Marcus Childs, Zama 12-2; Lander Asensio Tian, K International, pin. Yuma Liu, ASIJ 1:10; Braylon Stephens, Perry, pin. Allesandro Nacimbeni, Edgren 1:17; Fujita tech. Jovany Reyes Hernandez, King, 12-2; Stephens pin. Asensio Tian 3:22; Liu pin. Nacimbeni 1:00; Asensio Tian pin. Childs :54; Liu pin. Reyes Hernandez :39; Third place: Asensio Tian pin. Liu :12; Championship: Stephens pin. Fujita :22.

215 — Myles Purdy, Kinnick, pin. Mark Haygood, King, 1:50; Purdy pin. Youn Ho Chang, K International 1:20; Riley Decker, Kinnick, pin. Aiden Joliff, King, 1:49; Haygood pin. Joliff :21; Third place: Haygood pin. Chang 1:21; Championship: Purdy pin. Decker 3:34.

Heavyweight — Peter Grandy, Perry, pin. Lawson Marshall, Kinnick 1:10; Jiro Reyes, Kinnick, pin. Grandy :47; Reyes pin. Marshall 1:32.

Kanto boys

Kinnick 86, St. Mary’s 73, Christian Academy Japan 50

107 — Ian Flynn, Kinnick, tech. Ponnappa Karthachira, St. Mary’s 10-0; Natalie Bonsi, ASIJ, def. Rowen Greer, CAJ by walkover; Third place: Karthachir by walkover; Championship: Flynn pin. Bonsi 3:34.

114 — Aiden Stedelin, Yokota, pin. Annie Hong, ASIJ 1:00; Joah de la Cruz, Kinnick, tech. Hong 12-0; de la Cruz tech. Stedelin 14-4.

121 — Risu Choi, CAJ, tech. Julia Blackwell, Kinnick 10-0; Asher Cook, ASIJ, pin. Ryan Murase, St. Mary’s 1:25; Third place: Blackwell pin. Murase :42; Championship: Choi tech. Cook 10-0.

127 — Cadell Lee, ASIJ, tech. Luke Shane, St. Mary’s 11-0; Kono Ohashi, CAJ, pin. Juno Robinson, Kinnick 2:31; Third place: Shane tech. Robinson 10-0; Championship: Lee pin. Ohashi 1:00.

133 — Timon Fambro, CAJ, pin. Victor Llanora, Zama 1:21; Jedidiah Schmitz, St. Mary’s, dec. Jack Snyder, Kinnick, 13-7; Third place: Llanora by walkover; Championship: Fambro tech. Schmitz 10-0.

139 — Sewon Kim, CAJ, dec. Max Long, St. Mary’s 8-0; Malcolm Lee, ASIJ, tech. Kim 10-0; Samuel Tovar, Kinnick, tech. Brandon Christenson, Yokota 13-2; Long pin. Christenson 2:40; Third place: Kim pin. Long 3:00; Championship: Lee tech. Tovar 10-0. Noteworthy: Lee was voted the tournament’s Outstanding Wrestler.

145 — Isaiah Segarra, Zama, pin. James Wong, CAJ 3:22; Aiden Greer, Yokota, dec. Segarra, score not available; Joseph Mauldin, Kinnick, pin. Kent Weiss, St. Mary’s, time not available; Weiss dec. Wong 10-6; Third place: Segarra dec. Weiss 6-2; Championship: Mauldin tech. Greer 10-0.

152 — Micah Eickbush, ASIJ, tech. Seojin Kong 13-2; Liam Kirby, Yokota, pin. Marcus Lighty, Zama, 1:44; Nathaniel Twohig, St. Mary’s, dec. Eickbush 7-1; Ethan McDanel, Kinnick, tech. Kirby 10-0; Eickbush pin. Lighty :44; Kirby dec. Kong 4-4 last point; Third place: Eickbush tech. Kirby 10-0; Championship: Twohig dec. McDanel 2-1.

160 — Alexander Anglada, Kinnick, pin. Yugo Matsuhashi, ASIJ, 1:45; Kabilan Baskaran, St. Mary’s, tech. Anglada 11-0; Xavier Van Dam, CAJ, tech. Carter Schaefer, Yokota 14-3; Schaefer pin. Matsuhashi 1:14; Third place: Schaefer pin. Anglada 1:12; Championship: Baskaran dec. Van Dam 11-7.

172 — Luke Yamada, St. Mary’s, pin. Ian Soto-Guerra, Kinnick, :40; Laine Lilly, Yokota, dec. Tyler Reidenbach, CAJ, 6-4; Third place: Reidenbach tech. Soto-Guerra 12-2; Championship: Yamada tech. Lilly 10-0.

189 — Roman Leyko, St. Mary’s, tech. Noah Harbert, Yokota 12-2; Leyko pin. Bryan Bennett, Kinnick :46; Harbert tech. Bennett 11-1.

215 — Justin Bodlovic, Kinnick, tech. Justin Cokerdem-DePrie, ASIJ 12-0; Jimin Kim, St. Mary’s, tech. YunByeong Chae, CAJ 12-2; Third place: Cokerdem-DePrie dec. Chae 8-7; Championship: Bodlovic dec. Kim 14-8.

Heavyweight — Randal Pope, Kinnick, pin. Sean Neloms, Zama 2:26; Pope pin. Neloms 2:35.


Kinnick 62, Seisen 50, Yokota 29

103 — Annika Farin, Kinnick, pin. Sayako Yamaoka, Seisen 3:50; Farin dec. Maiko Yamaoka, Seisen 6-4; M. Yamaoka dec. S. Yamaoka 4-2.

110 — Jessica Franks, Yokota, tech. Catalina Feliz, Perry 14-4; Franks tech. Feliz 10-0.

117 — Jasmine Cartwright, Yokota, tech. Yuri Kanzaki, Seisen 10-0; Aniella Garcia Lopez, Kinnick, pin. Cartwright :35; Third place: Cartwright dec. Yanzaki 14-10; Championship: Garcia Lopez pin. Gavriella Duran, Yokota, 2:19.

124 — Maia Minton, Perry, pin. Nelly Hieromini, Seisen 1:39; Audrey Snyder, Kinnick, pin. Liya Teo, Seisen 1:41; Yvonne Rusler, Yokota, pin. Kamaile Summers, ASIJ 1:41; Olivia Erdos, Seisen, pin. Minton :32; Snyder pin. Rusler :17; Rusler pin. Hieromini :18; Minton pin. Summers :24; Third place: Rusler pin. Minton 1:32; Championship: Snyder pin. Erdos :50.

131 — Erika Reistad, ASIJ, pin. Ritika Shah, K International 1:31; Saraya Cooper, Kinnick, tech. Isabella Sims, Seisen 10-0; Serena Koslow, ASIJ, tech. Reistad 10-0; Zaylee Gubler, Yokota, tech. Cooper 10-0; Cooper pin. Shah :19; Sims pin. Reistad 3:18; Third place: Cooper pin. Sims :37; Championship: Koslow pin Gubler :58.

138 — Adriana Casarez, Kinnick, dec. Angela Gu, K International 8-1; Casarez tech. Miki Makabe, Seisen 14-4; Holly Albright, Kinnick, pin. Sarah Cassis, ASIJ :27; Cassis dec. Gu 7-3; Third place: Makabe pin. Cassis 1:35; Championship: Albright pin. Casarez :45.

145 — Jailah McDonald, Kinnick, pin. Milena Leyko, Seisen :16; McDonald pin. Ruby Hannam, ASIJ 3:20; Hannam pin. Leyko 1:04.

160 — Evangeline Nelson, Zama, pin. Upe Abukeviciute, ASIJ :35; Zara Strauss, Seisen, pin. Nelson :53; Gabriella Garcia Santos, Kinnick, pin. Xu 1:53; Xu dec. Abukeviciute 6-0; Third place: Nelson pin. Xu 1:03; Championship: Strauss tech. Garcia Santos 12-2.

207 — Ami Levin, Seisen, tech. Mireille Critchley, ASIJ 10-0; Levin pin. Critchley :35.

Dominique Waters heads to the basket.

Edgren's Dominique Waters goes up for a shot against Kinnick's Arashi Blocton. (Nina Johnson/Special to Stripes)



South Korea

Daegu 68, Busan Foreign 34

Saturday at Camp Walker

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Sharks 5 10 10 9 34
Warriors 30 11 19 8 68

Top scorers — Warriors: Andrew Burks 22, Jude Velazquez 17, Xavier Brown 10; Sharks: Justin Han 11. Rebounds — Warriors: Burks 10, Velazquez 7, Brown 5; Sharks: Han 6.

Humphreys 79, Osan 70

Saturday at Camp Humphreys

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Cougars 12 15 19 24 70
Blackhawks 22 15 21 21 79

Top scorers — Blackhawks: Randall Howell 36, Elijah Kidd 16; Cougars: Jayden Hightower 24, Dwayne Singson 20. Rebounds — Blackhawks: Nasim El-Delik 13, Kidd 7, Howell 7. 


Southern 75, Guam High 50

Friday at Agana Heights

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Dolphins 17 23 9 26 75
Panthers 14 10 10 16 50

Top scorer — Panthers: Tyler Augustine 19.


Zama 67, Perry 63

Saturday at Camp Zama

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Samurai 13 16 13 21 63
Trojans 18 20 17 12 67

Top scorers — Trojans: Ayden Helton 15, Adrian Santiago-Cruz 12, Michael King 11; Samurai: Sam Kasperski 19, Kameron Ramos 18. Noteworthy — Helton hit five three-point goals, now has 1,281 points for his Zama career.

Yokota 75, E.J. King 70

Saturday at Yokota Air Base

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Cobras 8 23 25 14 70
Panthers 14 17 18 26 75

Top scorers — Panthers: Jai Bailey 47, Landon Wright 11; Cobras: Jeremy Phillips 37. Rebounds — Panthers: Baron Reed 15, Wright 11, Brailyn Ivey 10. Noteworthy — Phillips hit six three-point goals and broke the school record for career points set in 2018 by Dyson Robinson. Phillips now has 1,660; Robinson’s record was 1,622 set in 2018.

Kinnick 95, Robert D. Edgren 57

Saturday at Misawa Air Base

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Red Devils 18 31 24 22 95
Eagles 14 15 17 11 57

Top scorers — Red Devils: Gregor Tolar 33, Arashi Blocton 20, Derek Ulrich 16, Isaiah Kimbrough 15; Eagles: Dominique Waters 19, Je’Shawn Spaights-Pace 17. Noteworthy — Ulrich scored four three-point goals in the second quarter. Tolar had 26 second-half points.

Sigonella 45, American Overseas School of Rome 42

Friday at Sigonella

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
AOSR 13 9 6 14 42
Sigonella 9 19 9 17 45

Scoring – AOSR: Leone Maggi 19, Meng Jiang 6, Zaiden El Kilany 6; Sigonella: Jacob Maloney 14, Makari Spencer 10, Gideon Tesfay 6.

AOSR 44, Sigonella 36

Saturday at Sigonella

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
AOSR 11 9 12 12 42
Sigonella 13 6 12 5 36

Scoring – AOSR: Maggi 13, Jiang 11, Ali Ceke 8; Sigonella: Cooper Harrison 14, Maloney 7, Bobby Gibbons 7.


South Korea

Busan Foreign 57, Daegu 16

Saturday at Camp Walker


Perry 47, Zama 23

Saturday at Camp Zama

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Samurai 10 3 22 12 47
Trojans 3 8 0 12 23

Top scorer — Samurai: Elieza Cuaco 25. Noteworthy — Cuaco hit five three-point goals.

Kinnick 46, Edgren 10

Saturday at Misawa Air Base

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Red Devils 13 19 5 9 46
Eagles 3 1 6 0 10

Top scorer — Red Devils: Leona Turner 18. Rebounds — Red Devils: Turner 5, Jordan Kitts 5. Steals — Red Devils: Turner 5.

author picture
Dave Ornauer has been employed by or assigned to Stars and Stripes Pacific almost continuously since March 5, 1981. He covers interservice and high school sports at DODEA-Pacific schools and manages the Pacific Storm Tracker.

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