Kai Espiritu gains advantage.

Kadena's Kai Espiritu gains the upper hand on Kinnick's Juno Robinson in the 127-pound final, won by Espiritu. (Dave Ornauer/Stars and Stripes)

High school


Beast of the Far East Invitational

Saturday at Tokyo


Kadena 53, St. Mary’s 47, Nile C. Kinnick 43, Shonan Military Academy 42, Christian Academy Japan 27, Kubasaki 27, American School In Japan 20, Matthew C. Perry 20, E.J. King 15, Robert D. Edgren 12, Humphreys 11, Zama 5, Yokota 3, K International, Osan And Daegu 0

107 — Ian Flynn, Kinnick, pin. Jayvon Mayers, Kubasaki, :18; Flynn pin. Donatello Sanchez Cupa, King, :53; Aaden Mulhall, Edgren, pin. Rowen Greer, CAJ, :20; Ryunosuke Tanaka, Shonan, tech. Ponnappa Karthachira, St. Mary’s, 10-0, :56; Zacharias Perez, Kadena, pin. Elias Diaz, Zama, :54; Greer tech. Mayers, 14-4, 4:44; Perez pin. Flynn, 1:59; Mulhall pin. Tanaka, 2:40; Diaz pin. Sanchez Cupa, 1:49; Greer tech. Karthachira, 16-6, 4:56; Flynn pin. Greer, 4:14; Tanaka tech. Diaz, 10-0, 2:10; Tanaka tech. Flynn, 12-0, 2:10; Championship: Perez pin. Mulhall, 3:29.

114 — Cedric Ferguson, Kadena, tech. Christian Rios, Zama, 10-0, :42; Genki Narikane, Shonan, pin. Ray Bragdon, Kubasaki, 4:27; Anthony Mulhall, Edgren, pin. Aiden Stedelin, Yokota, 2:57; Joah de la Cruz, Kinnick, pin. Leaf Tai, CAJ, :34; de la Cruz pin. Ferguson, 2:06; Narikane tech. Mulhall, 16-5, 3:00; Tai tech. Rios, 11-0, 2:36; Bragdon tech. Stedelin, 10-0, 1:43; Mulhall pin. Tai, 1:47; Bragdon tech. Ferguson, 10-0, 2:47; Mulhall pin. Bragdon, 1:08; Championship: de la Cruz dec. Narikane, 10-5.

121 — Ethan Wege, Humphreys, tech. Gavin Caddali, Kinnick, 12-2, 2:48; Ryan Murase, St. Mary’s, tech. Anthony Canizales, Osan, 10-0, :19; Kai Wilson, Kadena, pin. Joshua Rodriguez, Perry, :55; Noah Starr, Kubasaki, pin. Samuel Fox, Yokota, 1:32; Wilson pin. Matthew Balitaan, King, :36; RiSu Choi, CAJ, tech. Wege, 16-6, 3:40; Masaya Kawaji, Shonan, pin. Murase, 3:56; Fox dec. Canizales, 10-8; Caddali tech. Balitaan, 12-2, 2:13; Wege pin. Rodriguez, :40; Starr tech. Wilson, 18-7, 4:57; Choi pin. Kawaji, 1:38; Wege pin. Murase, 3:52; Caddali pin. Fox, 1:23; Kawaji tech. Caddali, 10-0, :41; Wege tech. Wilson, 15-5, 2:18; Kawaji pin. Wege, 2:13; Championship: Choi tech. Starr, 12-1, 5:26. Second-place wrestleback: Kawaji tech. Starr, 11-1, 3:51.

127 — Ethan Wong, Edgren, tech. Alex Smith, Osan, 14-3, 1:03; Juno Robinson, Kinnick, pin. Gregorii Murodov, Perry, 3:00; Wong dec. Kono Ohashi, CAJ, 16-15; Kai Espiritu, Kadena, pin. Taisei Horie, Shonan, :34; Joshua Cope, Kubasaki, tech. Luke Shane, St. Mary’s, 11-0, 4:41; Shane pin. Smith, 1:02; Espiritu dec. Cope, 8-6; Robinson pin. Wong, 1:20; Ohashi tech. Murodov, 12-1, 2:31; Shane tech. Horie, 12-2, 2:55; Shane def. Wong by walkover; Ohashi tech. Cope, 11-0, 1:25; Ohashi pin. Shane, 3:25; Championship: Espiritu tech. Robinson, 10-0, 2:12.

133 — Tim Cope, Kubasaki, pin. Josh Martinez, Edgren, :19; Kris Williams, Kinnick, dec. Sam Conover, Humphreys, 17-10; Timon Fambro, CAJ, dec. Jedidiah Schmitz, St. Mary’s, 11-4; Evan Horne, Yokota, tech. Aaron Lopez, Perry, 15-4, 2:56; Fambro pin. Jesse Vences, Kadena, 4:27; Tim Cope, Kubasaki, pin. Jake Stickel, King, :41; Horne pin. Victor Llanora, Zama, 2:08; Daimon Yoshinari, Shonan, tech. Williams, 11-0, 1:03; Llanora pin. Schmitz, 1:30; Conover pin. Stickel, :31; Williams tech. Martinez, 12-2, 2:35; Vences tech. Lopez, 14-2, 2:59; Cope pin. Horne, 1:13; Yoshinari tech. Fambro, 10-0, 2:12; Vences tech. Williams, 10-0, 1:32; Llanora pin. Conover, 1:42; Fambro pin. Llanora, 1:24; Vences dec. Horne, 20-16; Fambro pin. Vences, 2:35; Championship: Yoshinari pin. Cope, 1:42. Second-place wrestleback: Cope tech. Fambro, 10-0, 1:25.

139 — Brandon Christenson, Yokota, pin. Max Long, St. Mary’s, :48; Cadell Lee, ASIJ, tech. Bryan Tennison, Kubasaki, 10-0, 1:25; Christian Luckey, Kadena, pin. Liam McDonald, Edgren, 1:22; Sam Tovar, Kinnick, pin. Aidan Collins, Humphreys, 4:12; Tennison pin. Long, 2:30; Cadell Lee, ASIJ, tech. Christenson, 12-0, 2:48; Tovar tech. Shoma Kobayashi, Shonan, 10-0, :45; Luckey tech. Sewon Kim, CAJ, 13-3, 4:05; Kail Kitko, Perry, pin. Gabriel Simpkins, Zama, 5:39; Collins tech. Kim, 12-2, 1:12; Simpkins tech. Tennison, 10-0, 3:39; McDonald pin. Kobayashi, 1:20; Kitko dec. Luckey, 8-8 last point; Lee pin. Tovar, 1:23; Christenson tech. McDonald, 10-0, 2:42; Simpkins pin. Collins, 1:41; Flores pin. Weiss, :27; Tovar pin. Simpkins, 5:48; Luckey pin. Christenson, 1:41; Luckey pin. Tovar, :31; Championship: Lee tech. Kitko, 10-0, :53; Lee repeats as champion.

145 — Isaiah Segarra, Zama, pin. Jaiden Williams, Daegu, 1:04; Aiden Greer, Yokota, tech. Henry Flores, Perry, 16-5, 3:22; Drake Garza, Kubasaki, tech. Jan Gallardo, Edgren, 10-0, :26; Kent Weiss, St. Mary’s, pin. James Wong, CAJ, 1:20; Joseph Mauldin, Kinnick, pin. Noritaka Okada, KIST, 1:02; Malcolm Lee, ASIJ, dec. Josiah Drummer, Kadena, 3-1; Drummer pin. Wong, :58; Flores pin. Williams, :51; Mauldin tech. Ghoichi Kuroki, Shonan, 11-0, 2:36; Greer dec. Segarra, 12-8; Lee pin. Weiss, 1:26; Jude Cutler, King, pin. Garza, :54; Drummer pin. Garza, :48; Flores pin. Kuroki, time unavailable; Weiss tech. Gallardo, 12-0, time unavailable; Segarra pin. Okada, 3:15; Lee tech. Mauldin, 16-6, 2:22; Cutler pin. Greer, :41; Drummer tech. Segarra, 13-2, 3:36; Flores pin. Greer, 5:40; Drummer tech. Mauldin, 14-4, 4:43; Drummer pin. Flores, 1:41; Championship: Lee tech. Cutler, 10-0, :54. Second-place wrestleback: Drummer tech. Cutler, 10-0, 1:43.

152 — Micah Eickbush, ASIJ, pin. Daniel Yapshing, Kubasaki, 1:50; Arona Headley, King, pin. Blake Stevens, Humphreys, 2:45; Logan Seen, Osan, pin. Garrett Allen, Zama, :33; Liam Kirby, Yokota, pin. Jayden Valverde, Perry, 1:46; Samuel Valdez, Kadena, pin. Tyson Brodsky, Edgren, 3:48; Nathaniel Twohig, St. Mary’s, tech. Seojin Kong, CAJ, 11-0, 5:01; Brodsky pin. Stevens, :52; Valverde pin. Allen, :52; Yapshing tech. Kong, 10-0, 6:00; Twohig dec. Eickbush, 10-4; Valdez pin. Headley, 1:49; Ethan McDanel, Kinnick, pin. Riku Shibata, Shonan, 1:20; Kirby tech. Seen, 18-6, 4:29; Shibata pin. Valverde, 2:23; Headley pin. Yapshing, 1:32; Brodsky pin. Eickbush, 3:00; Twohig tech. McDanel, 11-0, 3:28; Valdez tech. Kirby, 10-0, :43; Shibata dec. Brodsky 8-8 big point; Headley pin. Seen, :50; McDanel dec. Headley, 18-12; Shibata tech. Kirby, 10-0, 1:24; McDanel tech. Shibata, 10-0, 1:03; Championship: Twohig dec. Valdez, 8-0. Second-place wrestleback: McDanel dec. Valdez, 14-10.

160 — Alex Gibb, ASIJ, pin. Owen Johnson, Kadena, 1:29; Joseph Fernald, Humphreys, pin. Enoc Fajardo-Vargas, Kinnick, 1:22; Terrance Dove, Edgren, dec. Max Lundberg, Kubasaki, 12-6; Kabilan Baskaran, St. Mary’s, tech. Kanishi Agrawal, KIST, 10-0, 2:50; Baskaran tech. Sean Simpkins, Zama, 10-0, 2:31; Takahiro Saito, Shonan, tech. Fernald, 10-0, 1:04; Carter Schafer, Yokota, pin. Gibb, 1:15; Dove tech. Vincent Lin, King, 10-0, 2:50; Agrawal def. Gibb by walkover; Fajardo-Vargas tech. Lin, 22-6, 5:40; Lundberg pin. Fernal, time unavailable; Simpkins pin. Johnson, time unavailable; Baskaran tech. Dove, 10-0, 2:29; Saito tech. Schafer, 10-0, 2:09; Simpkins tech. Fajardo-Vargas, 10-0, 4:45; Lundberg pin. Agrawal, :56; Lundberg dec. Dove, 7-3; Schafer tech. Simpkins, 10-0, 1:07; Lundberg pin. Schafer, 5:32; Championship: Saito pin. Baskaran, 1:32.

172 — Flint Barton, Kadena, tech. Edward Ludwig, Perry, 10-0, 1:01; Simon Drinnon, Humphreys, tech. Ian Soto Guerra, Kinnick, 10-0, 1:39; Luke Yamada, St. Mary’s, pin. Cole Strelke, Kubasaki, 1:59; Derek Ybay, Osan, pin. Nehemiah Dove, Edgren, 2:36; Tyler Reidenbach, CAJ, tech. Ybay, 10-0, 1:20; Drinnon tech Yu Uchidate, King, 10-0, 2:00; Barton pin. Matthew Roberson, Zama, 1:06; Yamada def. Isreal Rodriguez, ASIJ, by walkover; Soto Guerra tech. Roberson, 12-2, 2:59; Uchidate tech. Ludwig, 12-2, 2:41; Strelke pin. Ybay, time unavailable; Yamada pin. Drinnon, 1:33; Reidenbach pin. Barton, 2:55; Strelke pin. Soto Guerra, 2:33; Uchidate pin. Dove, 1:06; Barton pin. Uchidate, :25; Drinnon pin. Strelke, 1:15; Drinnon pin. Barton, 2:46; Championship: Yamada tech. Reidenbach, 10-0, :49. Second-place wrestleback: Reidenbach tech. Drinnon, 16-5, 3:00.

189 — Braylon Stephens, Perry, tech. Lander Asensio Tian, KIST, 13-2, 3:00; Roman Leyko, St. Mary’s, pin. Noah Harbert, Yokota, 1:19; Bryan Bennett, Kinnick, pin. Julius Gantz, Kadena, 1:49; Stephens pin. Marcus Childs, Zama, 1:58; Minu Song, CAJ, pin. Jack Brandt, Humphreys, :29; Bennett pin. Denzel Jordan, King, :19; Leyko dec. Kaiser Armour, Kubasaki, 10-8; Brandt pin. Gantz, :55; Armour pin. Tian, :15; Harbert pin. Childs, :15; Leyko pin. Bennett, 1:01; Stephens pin. Song, 1:07; Brandt pin. Harbert, 4:06; Armour pin. Jordan, 1:31; Armour pin. Song, :28; Brandt pin. Bennett, :25; Armour pin. Brandt, :33; Championship: Leyko tech. Stephens, 10-0, 1:45. Second-place wrestleback: Armour pin. Stephens, :24.

215 — Justin Bodlovic, Kinnick, pin. Martin Heffele, Osan, :41; Anthony Romero, Zama, pin. Landon Adams, Kadena, 2:57; Jimin Kim, St. Mary’s, pin. Xander Grantham, Perry, 1:31; Adams pin. Grantham, :30; Bodlovic tech. Emmanual Sylla, King, 12-0, 1:30; Brandon Uresk, Humphreys, tech. Youn Ho Chang, KIST, 11-1, 1:48; Kim tech. Romero, 20-8, 4:13; Yunbyeong Chae, CAJ, tech. Alex Cruz, Daegu, 11-1, 1:33; Romero tech. Heffele, 10-0, time unavailable; Adams pin. Sylla, 1:36; Bodlovic tech. Uresk, 11-0, 2:59; Kim pin. Chae, 2:10; Adams pin. Chang, :32; Romero tech. Cruz, 10-0, :50; Romero tech. Uresk, 10-0, 2:42; Adams pin. Chae, 1:43; Romero pin. Adams, 1:58; Flores tech. Pope, 11-1, 2:30; Championship: Bodlovic tech. Kim, 11-0, 3:24.

Heavyweight — Jesus Puello, King, tech. Emilio Flores, Perry, 11-0, :59; Richard Gantz, Kadena, tech. Randal Pope, Kinnick, 12-1, 2:22; Gantz pin. Sean Neloms, Zama, 1:25; Puello pin. Anthony Ford, Osan, 1:06; Flores tech. Neloms, 11-1, 4:06; Pope pin. Ford, :16; Championship: Puello pin. Gantz, 1:59. Second-place wrestleback: Gantz def. Flores by walkover.


Seisen 46, Kadena 46, Kinnick 45, ASIJ 30, Kubasaki 28, Yokota 19, Zama 8, Edgren 5, Humphreys 5, Perry 3, Christian Academy Japan, E.J. King and K International 0

103 — Sayako Yamaoka, Seisen, tech. Annika Farin, Kinnick, 11-0, 2:52; Lucia Ada, Zama, tech. Zoey Epps, Kubasaki, 10-0, 2:42; Maiko Yamaoka, Seisen, pin. Jasmin Davis, Kadena, 1:13; Epps def. Farin by walkover; S. Yamaoka pin. Ada, 5:15; M. Yamaoka dec. Davis, 7-5; S. Yamaoka dec. Ada, 12-8; M. Yamaoka pin. Epps, 3:41; M. Yamaoka pin. S. Yamaoka, 4:41; Davis pin. Epps, :21; S. Yamaoka tech. Epps, 10-0, 1:00; Ada pin. Davis, :57; M. Yamaoka wins championship.

110 — Catalina Feliz, Perry, pin. Takae Mano, ASIJ, 5:48; Jessica Franks, Yokota, pin. Darsha Naone, Kubasaki, 2:42; Naone pin. Feliz, 1:29; Natalie Bonsi, ASIJ, pin. Franks, 1:40; Franks pin. Mano, 1:47; Bonsi pin. Naone, 1:02; Naone pin. Mano, :25; Bonsi pin. Feliz, :44; Bonsi tech. Mano, 10-0, :25; Franks pin. Feliz, 1:56; Bonsi wins championship.

117 — Momoka Komatsu, CAJ, tech. Annie Hong, ASIJ, 13-2, 4:19; Aniella Garcia Lopez, Kinnick, tech. Reagan Pellerin, Kadena, 15-5, 3:53; Gavriella Duran, Yokota, pin. Isabella Strozo, Kubasaki, 1:40; Serenity Carney, Kadena, tech. Aoba Shimada, Seisen, 12-2, 1:51; Amelie Del Rosario, King, pin. Komatsu, 2:05; Hong pin. Strozo, 1:04; Carney pin. Del Rosario, 5:46; Garcia Lopez pin. Duran, 1:56; Komatsu tech. Shimada, 10-0, 3:24; Pellerin pin. Hong, :40; Duran tech. Komatsu, 10-0, time unavailable; Pellerin pin. Del Rosario, :27; Duran tech. Pellerin, 10-0, 2:06; Championship: Garcia Lopez pin. Carney, 1:39.

124 — Maia Minton, Perry, pin. Kylie Brassard, Kubasaki, :13; Ayanna Gonzalez, Kadena, pin. Nelly Hieromini, Seisen, :40; Olivia Erdos, Seisen, pin. Mia Espiritu, Kadena, :09; Julia Blackwell, Kinnick, pin. Minton, 1:04; Olivia Ruffo, Humphreys, pin. Liya Teo, Seisen, 2:03; Gonzalez pin. Kamalie Summers, ASIJ, 1:48; Erdos pin. Rina Dowty, King, 2:05; Espiritu pin. Summers, 4:08; Teo pin. Brassard, 2:59; Dowty pin. Hieromini, :32; Erdos tech. Ruffo, 10-0, 3:28; Blackwell pin. Gonzalez, 1:06; Espiritu pin. Minton, 1:20; Dowty pin. Teo, 3:20; Gonzalez tech. Dowty, 13-3, 2:28; Ruffo pin. Espiritu, 3:00; Ruffo pin. Gonzalez, 1:35; Championship: Blackwell pin. Erdos, 1:26.

131 — Risa Nishihara, Seisen, pin. Ayana Oldham, Kubasaki, 3:44; Zaylee Gubler, Yokota, pin. Erika Reistad, ASIJ, :48; Juli Thompson, Kadena, tech. Eileen McKown, King, 12-2, 1:56; Audrey Snyder, Kinnick, pin. Risa Nishihara, Seisen, time unavailable; Serena Koslow, ASIJ, pin. Ritika Shah, KIST, :25; Oldham tech. Reistad, 12-1, 4:45; Koslow tech. Snyder, 10-0, 3:45; Gubler pin. Thompson, 2:20; McKown pin. Oldham, :49; Nishihara dec. Shah, 17-14; Snyder pin. McKown, :36; Thompson pin. Nishihara, 1:40; Snyder pin. Thompson, 1:35; Championship: Koslow pin. Gubler, 1:22.

138 — Sarah Cassis, ASIJ, pin. Angela Gu, KIST, 4:23; Emmah Strong, Kadena, pin. Adrianna Cazares, Kinnick, :38; Jailah McDonald, Kinnick, pin. Kiara Robinson, Kubasaki, :31; Strong pin. Miki Makabe, Seisen, 2:59; McDonald pin. Cassis, :27; Gu tech. Robinson, 13-2, 4:53; Cassis pin. Cazares, 3:54; Makabe pin. Gu, :57; Makabe pin. Cassis, 1:21; Championship: McDonald pin. Strong, :34.

145 — Brooke Brewer, Kadena, pin. Esmerelda Mendes, Kubasaki, :47; Ruby Hannam, ASIJ, pin. Holly Allbright, Kinnick, 1:04; Brewer pin. Sydney Pontious, :50; Allbright dec. Mendes, 19-12; Brewer pin. Hannam, :54; Pontious pin. Mendes, 2:02; Hannam pin. Mendes, 1:16; Allbright pin. Pontious, 4:24; Brewer pin. Allbright, :33; Hannam pin. Pontious, 2:09; Brewer wins championship.

160 — Piper Taylor, Kadena, pin. Evangeline Nelson, Zama, 1:40; Jaida Koweh, Kubasaki, pin. Gabriella Garcia Santos, Kinnick, 1:59; Alice Xu, KIST, pin. Milena Leyko, Seisen, 4:32; Taylor pin. Xu, 2:04; Koweh tech. Katarina Franchi, Kadena, 13-3, 2:51; Nelson pin. Leyko, :56; Nelson pin. Franchi, 2:17; Garcia Santos pin. Xu, 1:19; Garcia Santos pin. Nelson, 1:29; Championship: Koweh pin. Taylor, 1:10.

180 — Jasmine Kenney, Kadena, pin. Isabella Sangiorgi, Kubasaki, :42; Zara Strauss, Seisen, tech. Maddeline McKinney, Kadena, 10-0, 1:47; Kinney pin. Danni-Gwen Waldo, Edgren, :55; Sangiorgi tech. McKinney, 10-0, 2:25; Waldo pin. Sangiorgi, :15; Kenney tech. Strauss, 10-0, 4:37; Waldo pin. McKinney, 3:26; Strauss dec. Sangiorgi, 8-0; Kinney pin. McKinney, :43; Strauss pin. Waldo, 3:36. Kinney wins championship.

Miguel Vilanueva dribbles.

Humphreys' Miguel Vilanueva dribbles against Seoul Foreign. The Blackhawks boys won twice Saturday and finished as Korea's regular-season champion for the first time in six years. (Malaysia Burns/Special to Stripes)

Brandon Howell puts up a shot.

Humphreys’ Brandon Howell shoots over Daegu’s Alex Kenny and Jude Velasquez. (Malaysia Burns/Special to Stripes)



South Korea

Humphreys 51, Seoul Foreign 40

Saturday at Camp Humphreys

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Crusaders 6 14 8 12 40
Blackhawks 7 16 12 16 51

Top scorers — Blackhawks: Brandon Howell 22, Miguel Villanueva 10. Rebounds — Blackhawks: Nasim El-Delik 11.

Humphreys 76, Daegu 40

Saturday at Camp Humphreys

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Warriors 19 8 5 8 40
Blackhawks 22 16 13 25 76

Top scorers — Blackhawks: Howell 17, Isaiah Perez 11. Rebounds — Blackhawks: Howell 10, Perez 7. Noteworthy — Blackhawks completed an unbeaten regular season and won their first Korea regular-season title in six years.


Yokota 49, Perry 44

Saturday at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Panthers 16 11 10 12 49
Samurai 14 5 9 16 44

Top scorers — Panthers: Jai Bailey 21; Samurai: Calvin Shapland 22, Chris Brooks 10. Rebounds — Panthers: Brailyn Ivey 11, Baron Reed 8, Bailey 7. Noteworthy — Bailey hit five three-point goals before fouling out with 2:09 left.

Perry 48, Edgren 46

Saturday at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Samurai 2 9 24 13 48
Eagles 15 9 7 15 46

Top scorers — Samurai: Kameron Ramos 16, Kenshin Dukowitz 11, Sam Kasperski 10; Eagles: Dominique Waters 12, JeShawn Spaights Pace 11.

Zama 66, St. Maur 59

Saturday at Yokohama

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Trojans 18 20 17 11 66
Cougars 9 16 13 21 59

Top scorers — Trojans: Asher Jorgensen 16, Adrian Santiago-Cruz 13, Derek Smith 10.

Emma Han dribbles.

Seoul Foreign's Emma Han dribbles against Humphreys' Jaliyah Kennedy. (Malaysia Burns/Special to Stripes)

Mikayla Thomas and Aneya Aldan go for the ball.

Humphreys' Mikayla Thomas and Daegu's Aneya Aldan chase the ball. (Malaysia Burns/Special to Stripes)


South Korea

Seoul Foreign 36, Humphreys 24

Saturday at Camp Humphreys

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Crusaders 15 13 2 6 36
Blackhawks 3 4 5 12 24

Top scorer — Blackhawks: Mikayla Thomas 10. Rebounds — Blackhawks: Thomas 10.

Humphreys 40, Daegu 6

Saturday at Camp Humphreys

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Warriors 0 3 3 0 6
Blackhawks 8 11 11 10 40

Top scorers — Blackhawks: Thomas 11, Jaliyah Kennedy 10. Rebounds — Blackhawks: Kaylee Harris 6, Haley Mitchell 5.


Yokota 50, Perry 26

Saturday at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Panthers 10 18 15 7 50
Samurai 6 8 7 5 26

Top scorers — Panthers: Beverly Gardner 16, Coco Jones 12; Samurai: Elieza Cuaco 11. Rebounds — Panthers: Ty’Lasia Anu 7, Jones 5. Assists — Panthers: Anu 8.

Perry 41, Edgren 12

Saturday at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Eagles 4 4 2 2 12
Samurai 11 15 12 3 41

author picture
Dave Ornauer has been employed by or assigned to Stars and Stripes Pacific almost continuously since March 5, 1981. He covers interservice and high school sports at DODEA-Pacific schools and manages the Pacific Storm Tracker.

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