Celebrating 250 years of service in the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, and across the United States
Submitted to Stars and Stripes January 2, 2025
U.S. Marines with I Marine Expeditionary Force present the ceremonial birthday cake during I MEF’s 249th Marine Corps Birthday Ball at Harrah’s Resort Southern California in Valley Center, Calif., Nov. 2, 2024. (Ezekieljay Correa/U.S. Marine Corps)
As we turn the page on a new year, millions of Americans are setting their resolutions. Some aim to improve their health, others commit to spending more time with family, and many resolve to give back to their communities. At We the Veterans and Military Families, we propose one more powerful resolution for 2025: to be active, service-driven citizens. This resolution is not just about fulfilling our civic duties but about embracing the patriotism and pride that unite us as Americans.
This year, we are launching Military250, a national campaign to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps. Through this initiative, we will commemorate key milestones in American history while honoring the individuals and families who have embodied service and sacrifice over this quarter millennia.
Military250 isn’t just about looking back; it’s about inspiring all of us to look forward and recommit to the ideals that make our country strong: unity, resilience and pride in civic action. Since their inception in 1775, the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps have been integral to the story of America. Those who have worn the uniforms and their families have defended our freedoms at home and abroad, carried the weight of sacrifice on their shoulders, and reminded us of the values we all share, so often as citizens following their service. Military250 is an opportunity to honor this legacy and to reflect on how each of us can carry it forward in our own communities.
Throughout 2025, we will highlight 250 acts of service that veterans, military family members and all Americans can participate in, 250 veteran and military family organizations, and 250 members of our community who exemplify continued service as citizens. We invite fellow members of the community to join us as we demonstrate our love of the country and the military through acts of service.
Of course, the values of service and sacrifice are not confined to our armed forces. They are reflected in every act of good citizenship, whether it’s voting, volunteering or simply looking out for our neighbors. Military250 challenges us to see patriotism not just as a national concept, but as a local, community-driven practice.
One of the most profound ways to embrace this idea is by becoming more engaged in civic life. This could mean joining veteran- or non-veteran-led community service projects, serving as a poll worker, or mentoring the next generation of leaders. For military families and veterans, it’s also an opportunity to share the lessons of discipline, duty and resilience that come from a life of service.
At We the Veterans and Military Families, we’ve seen firsthand the powerful impact that individual acts of service can have. Not only do they build trust in our institutions, but it also reminds us of the common threads that connect us all. Military250 is our chance to amplify this impact on a national scale, while inviting every American to join us in the effort. The initiative’s watchwords of E Pluribus Unum, brought from the Great Seal of the United States, remind us that one of the most unifying experiences an American can have is serving together, whether in a military unit or otherwise, and that the shared experience of service should continue to unite us.
As we embark on this yearlong journey, we invite all Americans to reflect on what it means to be a good citizen. For some, it might mean taking the time to learn about our nation’s history and the sacrifices that have secured our freedoms. For others, it could mean finding ways to serve their community — whether through military service, public office or civic activism.
Military250 is more than a commemoration; it’s a call to action. It’s a reminder that patriotism isn’t just about waving a flag on the Fourth of July. It’s about embodying the ideals that have defined our country for 250 years: courage, service, and a commitment to the greater good and the enduring project that is the United States of America. It’s about making sure those values live on in our communities, our families, and ourselves.
This New Year, as you consider your resolutions, we hope you’ll join us in this endeavor. Let’s make 2025 a year of unity, pride and action. Together, we can honor our history, celebrate our present, and build a future that’s worthy of the sacrifices that have brought us here.
Happy New Year, and welcome to Military250.
Ellen Gustafson is a Navy spouse and co-founder and executive director of We the Veterans and Military Families. Ben Keiser is a Marine Corps veteran and a co-founder and executive chairman of We the Veterans and Military Families.