



Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, stopping over at Rhein-Main on her way to Baden-Baden, Germany, in September, 1964.

Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, stopping over at Rhein-Main on her way to Baden-Baden, Germany, in September, 1964. (Ted Rohde / ©S&S)

FRANKFURT (S&S) — Zsa Zsa Gabor would like to do something to make the GIs in Germany happy.

The glamorous film star stopped here briefly Friday on her way to an auto show in Baden-Baden, Germany, pursed her lips thoughtfully and said, "I would like to do something for the American boys over here — maybe a show or something."

Nodding his head, Zsa Zsa's agent in Germany agreed that this would be possible if somebody would set it up.

Displaying the trim legs and figure that have made her an international screen star, Zsa Zsa gave a warm smile that belied the fact she has been mixed up in more controversy than the Mona Lisa.

Brushing aside some questions about recent "unpleasantries," Zsa Zsa eagerly returned to the matter of entertaining Americans overseas.

"I enjoy amusing the soldiers," the blonde actress said, "and I've done it before. You remember the tour I made through the Caribbean with Bob Hope, don't you?"

Without waiting for a reply, she went on, "I would really like to do something like that here loo. The more, the better. A thousand men spread all around a stage? Yes, that would be fine," and the bright eyes sparkled.

Would she like to become the "sweetheart" of American forces in Europe?

"Of course — but only it the boys behave," she replied with a little leer.

Zsa Zsa, a charter member of the jet set, had deplaned after a quick ride from London where she had been visiting friends and buying a few polo ponies. At the Baden-Baden auto show, where they are to pick "the most beautiful automobile in the world," she will be co-starred with Josephine Baker.

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