

Kaiserslautern police handle furry and feathered suspects

A motorist captured a lost chicken and brought him to Kaiserslautern’s old town police station.

A motorist captured a lost chicken and brought him to Kaiserslautern’s old town police station. (Westpfalz police)

The force at Kaiserslautern’s old town police station might be wondering if they are police officers or zookeepers.

They were called to a nursing home Sunday on Donnersbergstrasse that had an unexpected visitor overnight. A young fox had strayed into the home’s stairwell and enjoyed a good night’s sleep.

To keep the fox from climbing any higher, the police took the elevator a floor higher and began to shoo the animal downstairs and out through the same entrance it had used to get in.

A fox sits in a nursing home stairwell before being chased out by Kaiserslautern police.

A fox sits in a nursing home stairwell before being chased out by Kaiserslautern police. (Westpfalz police)

Meanwhile, the police are asking: Who is missing a chicken? Early Monday morning an attentive driver noticed a chicken running around the road, apparently lost in Quidersbach. The driver snatched the fowl and brought it to the old town police station.

The officers handed over the chicken to the animal rescue service. If anyone recognizes his chicken, they should call the police at 0631 369-2150.

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