Mark Hamill talks to students

(Scott Woodham/Stars and Stripes)

Yokosuka, Japan, June 16, 1978: Mark Hamill, better known to many as young Jedi Luke Skywalker of Star Wars fame, seems to be telling students, staff and reporters at an assembly at the Teen Club at Nile C. Kinnick High School that these are not the droids they’re looking for.

Hamill — in Japan on a publicity junket for the July 1st opening of “Star Wars” in Tokyo and Osaka — took a sentimental detour to his old alma mater which he attended as a military brat when his father — a Navy Exchange officer — was stationed at Yokosuka. He told the gathered crowd how he and several other seniors violated curfew on prom night and wound up in Shore Patrol headquarters — in tuxedos and formals.

Read the story and see more photos of Hamill’s Yokosuka visit here.

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