A black-and-white image of Bing Crosby in a button-down sweater standing between two military service members in dress uniforms.

(George Penn/Stars and Stripes)

Frankfurt, Germany, May 27, 1953: Bing Crosby signs autographs for fans who came to watch him play on the Frankfurt golf course. The legendary crooner stopped by for a quick game after picking up his new $8,250 [approximately $86,147 in 2022] Mercedes-Benz convertible. Despite scattered rain showers, unfamiliarity with the course and not being able to see where he was driving because of crowds of fans and curious onlookers between him and the green, Crosby still managed to come in with a two-over-par 38 for nine holes

Read the original 1953 article and see more photographs of Bing on the course (and with his new Mercedes!) here.

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