(Al Chang/Stars and Stripes)
Trung Lap Ranger Unit Training Center, South Vietnam, February, 1962: U.S. Army advisers 1st Lt. Edmond Fricki (standing) and 1st Lt. Major Bell demonstrate hand-to-hand combat before a group of Republic of Vietnam Rangers. Republic of Vietnam troops receive training from instructors at the Trunglap Ranger Unit Training Center, some 30 miles north of Saigon. Some 11 Vietnamese instructors and 13 American advisers are providing special training in ranger fighting techniques to all men in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN).
The article accompanying this photo noted that the “graduates bring into the rough-and-tumble fight with Viet Cong communist guerrillas the necessary tough, flexible tactics needed to fight in rough terrain with unorthodox methods.”
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