(Joe Kamalick/Stars and Stripes)
Nui Ba Den, Vietnam, Oct. 14, 1969: Soldiers atop Black Virgin Mountain (Nui Ba Den) cover their ears as they fire off a mortar at Viet Cong positions lower down the mountain. The mountain — a solitary block of granite that juts 3,200 feet in the air above Tay Ninh — its summit in the clouds. Multi-service forces have been holding the top of the mountain ever since Special Forces assaulted the mountain in May 1964, pushing the Viet Cong off of its peak and establishing a camp at 3,200 feet. The camp commander estimates that today [October 1969] there are some 1,500 VC underneath the craggy hill in caves that open in crags and crevices in the brush and black granite on the mountain’s side.
Read the 1969 article on the camp above the clouds here. https://www.stripes.com/history/1969-10-24/black-virgin-mountain:-nice-place-%E2%80%94-to-visit-1826470.html
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