(Lynn Newland/Stars and Stripes)
Camp Casey, South Korea, 1963: Sgt. Robert S. Blue, alias “Little Boy Blue,” trumpet and second-cornet bandsman of the 7th Infantry Bayonet Division Band, blows his horn daily for retreat at Camp Casey, headquarters of the U.S. 7th Infantry Division in Korea. He started playing the trumpet when he was 27, when he was with the 8th Infantry Division at Fort Carson, Colo.
Pictured here is a scan of the original 1963 print created by Stars and Stripes Pacific’s photo department to run in the print newspaper. As all pre-1964 Stars and Stripes Pacific negatives and slides were unwittingly destroyed by poor temporary storage in 1963, the prints developed from the late 1940s through the early 1960s are the only images left of Stripes’ news photography from those decades. Stars and Stripes’ archives team is scanning these prints to ensure their preservation.