Children — donned in their best Halloween costumes — are eager to pet “Clarence the Camel,” the mascot of the pilots of the 86th Fighter Group. (Martin/Stars and Stripes)
Children — donned in their best Halloween costumes — are eager to pet “Clarence the Camel,” the mascot of the pilots of the 86th Fighter Group and donate some of their candy to the children of Berlin, so that Clarence can ferry them to the blockaded city on his own C47 Operation Vittles flight.
The camel was bought in August 1948 in Libya by Lt. Donald Butterfield — seen here with Clarence. Clarence soon became a mascot for Operation Vittles — also known as the Berlin Airlift — as people would deposit gifts and candy for the Berlin children in the camel’s saddlebags during football games on the 86th Neubiberg Air Base, as well as other events across West German U.S. bases.