Cmdr. David Ruhlig takes command of US Coast Guard Station New York on July 2, 2021. Ruhlig was relieved of command this month, the Coast Guard announced Friday, June 14, 2024. (Daniel Henry/U.S. Coast Guard)
The commander of Coast Guard Station New York, the service’s largest and busiest multi-mission boat station, has been relieved of his duties due to a loss of confidence in his ability to fulfill the expectations of his position.
Cmdr. David Ruhlig was permanently relieved for cause on June 3, the service announced Friday. Ruhlig took command of the station in July 2021.
The interim commanding officer is Lt. Cmdr. Robert Garris, temporarily assigned from the Coast Guard’s Office of Boat Forces. Lt. Cmdr. Craig Johnson will assume command of the station in September 2024.
Rear Adm. John Mauger, the former First Coast Guard District Commander, recommended removal, and Rear Adm. Russell Dash, Coast Guard Personnel Service Center, approved it.
Military officials often cite “a loss of confidence” when commanders are removed from their posts without providing any specifics that led to the decision.
According to a statement provided to, Ruhlig was removed for not adequately responding to reports of harassment within his command.
The Coast Guard has been under intense scrutiny over its handling of sexual-assault cases in recent months. On Tuesday, Senators berated Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Linda Fagan for her handling of the service’s scandal, chiding her for not punishing anyone for the cover-up and stalling their request for more documents about the mishandling of the crisis at the service’s academy.
With more than 140 active duty and reserve personnel, Station New York is the largest and busiest station in the Coast Guard. The station has remained fully operational in all mission areas, the Coast Guard said.