Staff Sgt. Michael De La Rosa, a mechanic assigned to 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, helped pull an unconscious person from a burning truck following an accident on June 26, 2023, in Colorado Springs, Colo. De La Rosa was on his way to the Garden of the Gods when he and another witness saw the accident and rescued the person. (Dominique Mendoza/U.S. Army)
A soldier saved the life of an unconscious car crash victim by pulling them out of a burning truck, the Army and Colorado police said.
Army Staff Sgt. Michael De La Rosa rescued the person, who wasn’t identified, after a crash June 26 in Fountain, Colo., the Army said in a statement last week.
De La Rosa, a platoon sergeant with the 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson, saw a truck veer off Interstate 25 and collide with construction equipment around 5:25 a.m., the statement said.
De La Rosa and another bystander approached the truck and saw the driver was unconscious, the statement said.
Staff Sgt. Michael De La Rosa, a mechanic with the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, helped save a person from a burning truck following a collision on June 26, 2023, in Colorado Springs, Colo. (Michael De La Rosa/U.S. Army)
“Honestly, when I decided to act — I was more worried about the victim,” De La Rosa said in the statement. “I felt obligated to save a life because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I knew I could have done something but didn’t do anything.”
The engine burst in flames and De La Rosa couldn’t open the passenger door, the Army statement said.
De La Rosa and the other bystander broke through the driver’s side window to unlock the door and drag the victim out. They barely got out of the truck before it was engulfed in flames, the statement said.
“If not for the actions of Staff Sgt. De La Rosa, the driver of the vehicle would have succumbed to his injuries sustained and would have perished in the fire,” a letter from the local Fountain Police Department quoted in the Army statement said.