
The Meat and Potatoes of Life

During my husband’s 28 years in the Navy, we were forced to create a “home” wherever we found ourselves and carry on with things. That is what military families must do — if we want a good life, we must make it happen no matter where we find ourselves in the world.

Spring break on a shrimpy budget

For my roommate and me, the idea of going on a spring break trip was financially ludicrous, because our part-time jobs only produced enough funds for meager groceries, rent and cheap beers. Still — it was our senior year. Our last chance to really let our big, frizzy, permed hair down and have some fun before we’d be forced to become real-world adults.

more The Meat and Potatoes of Life news

Boot Camp breakthrough for a woman of a certain age

Since leaving base life, I’ve longed for one or two “kitchen door” friends. The kind that show up unannounced without makeup on. The kind that tell you the commissary is out of strawberries. The kind that let you vent about how long it took for your number to be called at the base pharmacy. The kind that let you be yourself and appreciate you for it.

Hitting the dieter’s wall

The first few days of my diet had seemed like fun. But by the second week of most diets, I want someone to hit me in the head with a frying pan — preferably one that has just fried up a dozen crisp slices of bacon — to put me out of my misery.

Babysitting on New Year’s Eve

I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s Eve. Perhaps my distaste for the occasion stems from unrealistic expectations. Maybe I associate it with mediocre parties, painful hangovers or failed resolutions. Or, maybe I’m reminded of my adolescent years and all those lousy babysitting jobs.

Fear of change is hard to change

The mere thought of moving causes our son an irrational amount of stress. Could it be that growing up in an on-the-move military family unsettled him for life?

Waiting for frosty fantasies to come to fruition

I actually enjoy the change of seasons. It’s one of the reasons my husband and I decided to settle in New England. Perhaps my snowy Western Pennsylvania childhood brainwashed me into believing that I actually like being cold for seven months consecutively. I get very nostalgic during this time of year.

Spreading around our Thanksgiving dishes, traditions

The holidays are a time of celebration, sharing and inviting friends over to feast. When our guests politely ask, “What can we bring?” we are faced with an interesting dilemma. On one hand, contributions would be nice. But on the other hand, what if they bring dishes that are strange and unfamiliar?

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