

The new U.S. administration is once again imposing a policy of maximum pressure on Iran. This comes at a time when the corrupt and incompetent regime in Tehran is facing the greatest challenges in its history. Iran is in crisis — economically, politically and socially — creating a unique opportunity for democratic change.

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‘Old soldiers … fade away’; Will Gen. Brown?

The firing of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. “CQ” Brown Jr. was not the first time a senior military official had been fired by an unhappy commander in chief. Brown might well have been back in uniform had he heeded what one such official learned the hard way.

Congress must expand access to the benefits PACE provides older veterans

Effective collaboration between the VA and PACE centers, as called for by the Dole Act, is an important first step, and I am hopeful that over the long term, lawmakers in Congress continue to take steps to expand and implement PACE programs for the millions of eligible veteran participants across the country.

Petitioning Congress — Restoring a basic constitutional right

Out of 535 members of the legislative branch, you and I have access only to three — our two senators and one member of the House. Citizens will need to make use of the petition itself — by organizing a massive grassroots campaign to advocate for the restoration of this once sacred, inviolable and unrestricted right

Trump risks repeating Biden’s economic mistakes

The Biden administration believed it could spend trillions of dollars without overheating the economy, and it got inflation. President Donald Trump’s administration is already making some of the same mistakes.

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