Seoul says North Korea has resumed balloon launches likely to drop trash in South Korea

South Korea’s military says North Korea has launched more balloons likely carrying trash toward South Korea. A Joint Chiefs of Staff statement says the balloons are moving south. It asks South Korean citizens not to touch North Korean balloons and report them to military and police authorities.

Japan alleges 5 days of Chinese coast guard intrusions around Senkaku Islands

Four Chinese coast guard vessels since Thursday have repeatedly entered the 12-mile territorial limit around the Senkaku chain, according to the Japan coast guard.

Marine Corps plans new littoral regiment on Guam in a ‘few years,’ commandant says

The Marine Corps plans to establish a new littoral regiment on Guam in the next several years to “counter Chinese aggression” in the region, Japanese media reported.

Thousands of Marines wrap weeks of Philippine exercises

American and Filipino marines recently concluded six weeks of coastal defense and aviation training in the Philippines.

Japanese designer manhole covers arrive at home of US 7th Fleet

Yokosuka Naval Base has new manhole covers that reflect a piece of Japanese pop culture.

Coast Guard rescues 13 Chinese boaters near Guam

The U.S. Coast Guard rescued 13 Chinese boaters over the weekend off the coast of Guam after their boat went adrift, according to a spokeswoman for the service. 

Chinese hackers have stepped up attacks on Taiwanese organizations, cybersecurity firm says

A cybersecurity intelligence company says a suspected Chinese state-sponsored hacking group has intensified attacks on Taiwanese organizations, particularly those in sectors such as the government, education and technology.

With its new pact with North Korea, Russia raises the stakes with the West over Ukraine

Behind the smiles, the balloons and the red-carpet pageantry of President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea last week, a strong signal came through: In the spiraling confrontation with the U.S. and its allies over Ukraine, the Russian leader is willing to challenge Western interests like never before.

Okinawa memorials commemorate islands’ WWII Japanese loss 

Another 181 names, including those of 24 Okinawans and 157 from elsewhere in Japan, were added Wednesday to the Cornerstone of Peace at Okinawa Peace Memorial Park in time for a ceremony Sunday.

India boosts defense ties with Bangladesh as it tries to become a counterweight to China

India and Bangladesh on Saturday moved to bolster their defense relationship and signed agreements for expanding cooperation in maritime security, ocean economy, space, and telecommunication sectors, as New Delhi tries to present itself as a regional power and a counterweight to China.

Weapons of choice in China’s territorial disputes? Axes, knives, ‘jostling.’

When Chinese forces violently intercepted Philippine naval ships Wednesday in a disputed area of the South China Sea, they didn’t use handguns or rifles, let alone the more high-tech weaponry now widely seen in modern conflicts.

A US envoy visits Hanoi days after Putin, saying US-Vietnam trust is at ‘all-time high’

A senior US diplomat held talks in Vietnam on Saturday and said that the trust between the two countries was at an “all-time high,” just days after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to Hanoi.

Pilots fear collisions as staffing crisis leaves Australian control towers empty

Concerns among pilots about a possible mid-air collision are spilling over in Australia as a shortage of air traffic controllers leaves airport towers unmanned, forcing passenger jets to fend for themselves.

US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea as a show of force against nuclear-armed North Korea

The arrival of the USS Theodore Roosevelt strike group in Busan came a day after South Korea summoned the Russian ambassador to protest a major deal between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un this week.

Lots to do in tranquil city north of bustling Tokyo

Chichibu, about 50 miles north of Yokota Air base in western Tokyo, provides a near-perfect outdoor experience, including day camping, barbecuing and a visit to an impressive dam.

Vegan Japanese curry and chocolate dessert to die for at Tokyo eatery

Vegan food, especially Japanese curry, can be hard to find in Japan, but at Marugoto Vegan Dining Asakusa in Tokyo, vegan diners can enjoy the Japanese culinary classic.

Navy relaxes career-ending mandate for sailors who fail two consecutive fitness tests

The Navy will no longer automatically end the careers of sailors who fail two consecutive fitness tests, according to a service policy released this week.

Putin’s defense pact with Kim Jong Un alarms US allies

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed Wednesday to come to each other’s defense if one is attacked, a development that will likely push Japan and South Korea to bolster their relationship and their bonds with the United States.

Japan space agency hit by multiple cyberattacks, but officials say no sensitive data taken

Japan’s space agency has suffered a series of cyberattacks since last year, but sensitive information related to rockets and satellites was not affected and it is continuing to investigate and take preventive measures, officials said Friday.