It’s a great year to observe D-Day right where it happened

With this year marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, regional authorities in Normandy, France, are pulling out all the stops to make this year’s program a memorable one.

Clarence Sasser, medic in Vietnam battle awarded Medal of Honor, dies at 76

Clarence Sasser, an Army medic in Vietnam who was awarded the Medal of Honor for saving injured soldiers despite his own injuries from gunfire, dies at 76.

D-Day squadron of World War II planes re-creates ‘Blue Spruce’ route to Europe

World War II aircraft that moved troops and cargo across the North Atlantic to Europe are being retooled, fueled and readied to make the same journey the aircraft did 80 years ago for a commemorative flight to pay tribute to the D-Day invasion.

From the Archives: Stars and Stripes reporter tells of medic’s heroism on bloody beaches

The Medics went on the beach with the assault battalions and stayed there with them. A bunch of kids from West Virginia and Ohio crawled through tide-washed cuts in the sand and among those grotesque rows of dead to do their jobs.

Podcast delves into the legacy of D-Day to commemorate 80th anniversary

As the 80th anniversary of D-Day approaches, a World War II Foundation podcast is taking a look at the intersection of history and film.

Voices of D-Day: Veterans describe the heroism and horror

Stars and Stripes is sharing a series of interviews conducted by the World War II Foundation to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. 

D-Day remembered 50 years later, 1994

Amfreville, Normandy, France, June 5, 1994: Parachutes glide toward earth as some 550 paratroopers reenact the 101st Airborne Division D-Day jump.

From the archives, 1944 | S&S Paratrooper-Reporter tells: How outmanned Yanks held Nazis

No rations, ammunition ran low, but they fought on — U.S. Force battled 22 hours past schedule until linkup.

WWII veteran headed to Normandy, 80 years after D-Day

Five years ago, Onofrio “No-No” Zicari visited the spot where he spent the worst hours of his life. Now, at 101, he’s ready to go back for the 80th anniversary of the perilous fight. “I thought maybe it would be the best thing for me to do,” Zicari said. “The good Lord is keeping me alive for a reason.”

Roots of My Lai Massacre lie with task force leader’s ambition, historian contends

Early on March 16, 1968, U.S. soldiers descended on South Vietnam on a search-and-destroy mission that within a few hours left hundreds of infants, children and other civilians dead. A historian contends that the massacre would have likely never happened if not for the ambitious officer who planned the mission and longed for a battalion command.