Soldier in Alaska used AI to make fake porn of children he knew, feds say

Spc. Seth Herrera, a motor transport operator with the 11th Airborne Division in Alaska, was arrested last week on charges he used an artificial intelligence program to create sexually explicit images of real children he knew.

Fort Bliss soldier to plead guilty to desertion for his sprint into North Korea

Pvt. Travis King will plead guilty to desertion during his first court appearance next month for running into North Korea last year.

Army picks Sierra Nevada Corp. to create HADES spy plane

The U.S. Army is hiring aviation company Sierra Nevada Corp. to prepare a key intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance airplane.

Shooting helped US Army Paralympian turn life around

Kevin Nguyen lost focus when he lost his leg after stepping on a bomb in Afghanistan, but taking up competitive shooting gave him something to roll with again.

2 National Guard units bid farewell to family and loved ones before deploying to Europe

The families and loved ones of National Guard units from Pennsylvania and Idaho bid farewell last week as soldiers prepared to deploy to Europe.

Family of pregnant Army wife missing in Hawaii say authorities believe she is dead

The family of a 19-year-old wife of a Hawaii-based soldier who went missing three weeks ago said Thursday that Army investigators told them they do not believe she is alive.

Fort Cavazos soldier faces murder charge in shooting death of civilian

Staff Sgt. Marlone L. Best is charged with premeditated murder and murder for the February death of Larry Kidd, Jr., a 28-year-old father and semiprofessional football player.

Army Reserve officer to serve over 12 years behind bars for defrauding Gold Star families 

An Army Reserve major and financial counselor who defrauded grieving military families out of nearly $4 million in survivor benefits has been sentenced to over 12 years in prison.

‘No one wants to touch this’: VA treatment delayed for Iraq vets sick from chemical weapons exposure

The Department of Veterans Affairs is coming under criticism from some lawmakers and impacted veterans about lengthy delays in fully implementing a clinical program meant to monitor the health status of 400 identified veterans who experienced “possible or probable” exposures to chemical weapons during the Iraq War.